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Found 1 definition: solicitor.

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Pos: Noun

Noun solicitor has 2 senses

1.  solicitor(n = noun.person) canvasser - a petitioner who solicits contributions or trade or votes;
is a kind of petitioner, requester, suppliant, supplicant
has particulars: fundraiser
Derived form verb solicit1

2.  solicitor(n = noun.person) - a British lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares legal documents;
is a kind of
attorney, lawyer
has particulars: law agent
Derived form noun solicitorship1


solicitor, n. [F. solliciteur, L. sollicitator.].

1.  One who solicits. [1913 Webster]

2.  An attorney or advocate; one who represents another in court; -- formerly, in English practice, the professional designation of a person admitted to practice in a court of chancery or equity. See the Note under Attorney. [1913 Webster]


solicitor, n.
1 Brit. a member of the legal profession qualified to deal with conveyancing, draw up wills, etc., and to advise clients and instruct barristers.
2 a person who solicits.
3 US a canvasser.
4 US the chief law officer of a city etc.

1 (in the UK) the Crown law officer below the Attorney General or (in Scotland) below the Lord Advocate.
2 (in the US) the law officer below the Attorney General.

ME f. OF solliciteur (as SOLICIT)



N  consignee, trustee, nominee, committee, agent, delegate, commissary, commissioner, emissary, envoy, commissionaire, messenger, diplomatist, diplomat, diplomate, corps diplomatique, embassy, ambassador, embassador, representative, resident, consul, legate, nuncio, internuncio, charge d'affaires, attache, vicegerent, plenipotentiary, functionary, placeman, curator, treasurer, factor, bailiff, clerk, secretary, attorney, advocate, solicitor, proctor, broker, underwriter, commission agent, auctioneer, one's man of business, factotum, caretaker, dalal, dubash, garnishee, gomashta, negotiator, go-between, middleman, under agent, employe, servant, referee, arbitrator, traveler, bagman, commis-voyageur, touter, commercial traveler, drummer, traveling man, newspaper correspondent, own correspondent, special correspondent.


N  petitioner, solicitor, applicant, suppliant, supplicant, suitor, candidate, claimant, postulant, aspirant, competitor, bidder, place hunter, pot hunter, prizer, seeker, beggar, mendicant, moocher, panhandler, freeloader, sponger, mumper, sturdy beggar, cadger, hotel runner, runner, steerer, tout, touter, pauper, homeless person, hobo, bum, tramp, bindle stiff, bo, knight of the road (poverty), hippie, flower child, hard core unemployed, welfare client, welfare case, canvasser, bagman, salesman.


N  lawyer, attorney, legal counsel, counsel, counsellor, counsellor at law, attorney at law, jurist, legist, civilian, pundit, publicist, juris consult, legal adviser, advocate, barrister, barrister at law, King's or Queen's counsel, K, C, Q, C, silk gown, leader, sergeant-at-law, bencher, tubman, judge, bar, legal profession, bar association, association of trial lawyers, officer of the court, gentleman of the long robe, junior bar, outer bar, inner bar, equity draftsman, conveyancer, pleader, special pleader, solicitor, proctor, notary, notary public, scrivener, cursitor, writer, writer to the signet, S, S, C, limb of the law, pettifogger, vakil, legal beagle, legal secretary, legal assistant, law student, learned in the law, at the bar, forensic, esquire, esquired, banco regis.


solicitor general