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Found 1 definition: speaking.

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Pos: Adjective

Noun speaking has 2 senses

1.  speaking(n = noun.communication) speech production - the utterance of intelligible speech;
is a kind of utterance, vocalization
has particulars: speech, susurration, voicelessness, whisper, whispering
Derived forms verb speak1, verb speak3

2.  speaking(n = noun.communication) oral presentation, public speaking, speechmaking - delivering an address to a public audience; "people came to see the candidates and hear the speechmaking"
is a kind of address, speech
has particulars: reading, recital, recitation, debate, disputation, public debate
Derived form verb speak4

Adjective speaking has 1 senses

   speaking(a = adj.all) - capable of or involving speech or speaking; "human beings--the speaking animals"; "a speaking part in the play"


speaking, a.

1.  Uttering speech; used for conveying speech; as, man is a speaking animal; a speaking tube. [1913 Webster]

2.  Seeming to be capable of speech; hence, lifelike; as, a speaking likeness. [1913 Webster]

A speaking acquaintance, a slight acquaintance with a person, or one which merely permits the exchange of salutations and remarks on indifferent subjects. -- Speaking trumpet, an instrument somewhat resembling a trumpet, by which the sound of the human voice may be so intensified as to be conveyed to a great distance. -- Speaking tube, a tube for conveying speech, especially from one room to another at a distance. -- To be on speaking terms, to be slightly acquainted.

speaking, n.

1.  The act of uttering words. [1913 Webster]

2.  Public declamation; oratory. [1913 Webster]


speaking, n. & adj.
--n. the act or an instance of uttering words etc.
1 that speaks; capable of articulate speech.
2 (of a portrait) lifelike; true to its subject (a speaking likeness).
3 (in comb.) speaking or capable of speaking a specified foreign language (French-speaking).
4 with a reference or from a point of view specified (roughly speaking; professionally speaking).

on speaking terms (foll. by with)
1 slightly acquainted.
2 on friendly terms.
speaking acquaintance
1 a person one knows slightly.
2 this degree of familiarity. speaking clock Brit. a telephone service giving the correct time in words. speaking-trumpet hist. an instrument for making the voice carry. speaking-tube a tube for conveying the voice from one room, building, etc., to another.



N  speech, faculty of speech, locution, talk, parlance, verbal intercourse, prolation, oral communication, word of mouth, parole, palaver, prattle, effusion, oration, recitation, delivery, say, speech, lecture, harangue, sermon, tirade, formal speech, peroration, speechifying, soliloquy, allocution, conversation, salutatory : screed: valedictory, oratory, elocution, eloquence, rhetoric, declamation, grandiloquence, multiloquence, burst of eloquence, facundity, flow of words, command of words, command of language, copia verborum, power of speech, gift of the gab, usus loquendi, speaker, spokesman, prolocutor, interlocutor, mouthpiece, Hermes, orator, oratrix, oratress, Demosthenes, Cicero, rhetorician, stump orator, platform orator, speechmaker, patterer, improvisatore, speaking, spoken, oral, lingual, phonetic, not written, unwritten, outspoken, eloquent, elocutionary, oratorical, rhetorical, declamatory, grandiloquent, talkative, Ciceronian, nuncupative, Tullian, orally, by word of mouth, viva voce, from the lips of, quoth he, said he, action is eloquence, pour the full tide of eloquence along, she speaks poignards and every word stabs, speech is but broken light upon the depth of the u, to try thy eloquence now 'tis time.


broadly speaking, manner of speaking, properly speaking, public speaking, speaking of, speaking trumpet, speaking tube, strictly speaking