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Found 1 definition: sponger.

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Pos: Noun

Noun sponger has 2 senses

1.  sponger(n = noun.person) - a workman employed to collect sponges;
is a kind of
working man, working person, workingman, workman
Derived form verb sponge5

2.  sponger(n = noun.person) leech, parasite, sponge - a follower who hangs around a host (without benefit to the host) in hope of gain or advantage;
is a kind of follower
Derived form verb sponge2


sponger, n.

1.  One who sponges, or uses a sponge. [1913 Webster]

2.  One employed in gathering sponges. [1913 Webster]

3.  Fig.: A parasitical dependent; a hanger-on. [1913 Webster]


sponger, n. a person who contrives to live at another's expense.



N  petitioner, solicitor, applicant, suppliant, supplicant, suitor, candidate, claimant, postulant, aspirant, competitor, bidder, place hunter, pot hunter, prizer, seeker, beggar, mendicant, moocher, panhandler, freeloader, sponger, mumper, sturdy beggar, cadger, hotel runner, runner, steerer, tout, touter, pauper, homeless person, hobo, bum, tramp, bindle stiff, bo, knight of the road (poverty), hippie, flower child, hard core unemployed, welfare client, welfare case, canvasser, bagman, salesman.


N  servility, slavery, obsequiousness, subserviency, abasement, prostration, prosternation, genuflection, fawning, tuft- hunting, timeserving, flunkeyism, sycophancy, humility, sycophant, parasite, toad, toady, toad-eater, tufthunter, snob, flunky, flunkey, yes-man, lapdog, spaniel, lickspittle, smell-feast, Graeculus esuriens, hanger on, cavaliere servente, led captain, carpet knight, timeserver, fortune hunter, Vicar of Bray, Sir- Pertinax, Max Sycophant, pickthank, flatterer, doer of dirty work, ame damnee, tool, reptile, slave, courtier, beat, dead beat, doughface, heeler, homme de cour, sponger, sucker, tagtail, truckler, servile, obsequious, supple, supple as a glove, soapy, oily, pliant, cringing, abased, dough-faced, fawning, slavish, groveling, sniveling, mealy-mouthed, beggarly, sycophantic, parasitical, abject, prostrate, down on ones marrowbones, base, mean, sneaking, crouching, hat in hand, cap in hand.