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Found 1 definition: spurge nettle.

spurge nettle top


Noun spurge nettle has 1 senses

   spurge nettle(n = noun.plant) cnidoscolus urens, devil nettle, jatropha stimulosus, jatropha urens, pica-pica, tread-softly - a stinging herb of tropical America;
is a kind of herb, herbaceous plant
is a member of cnidoscolus, genus cnidoscolus


allegheny mountain spurge, allegheny spurge, australian nettle, australian nettle tree, ball nettle, bull nettle, caper spurge, cypress spurge, dead nettle, devil nettle, dwarf spurge, false nettle, flame nettle, flowering spurge, hairy spurge, hedge nettle, hemp nettle, horse nettle, japanese spurge, leafy spurge, myrtle spurge, nettle, nettle family, nettle rash, nettle tree, painted nettle, petty spurge, roman nettle, sea nettle, silver-leaved nettle, slipper spurge, spurge, spurge family, spurge laurel, stinging nettle, sun spurge, toothed spurge, tramp's spurge, white dead nettle, white horse nettle, wild spurge, wood nettle, wood spurge