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Found 1 definition: stick in.

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Verb stick in has 2 senses

1.  stick in(v = verb.communication) insert, slip in, sneak in - insert casually; "She slipped in a reference to her own work"
is one way to add, append, supply
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s that CLAUSE

2.  stick in(v = verb.change) enclose, inclose, insert, introduce, put in - introduce; "Insert your ticket here"
is one way to lay, place, pose, position, put, set
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s something PP



VB  insert, introduce, intromit, put into, run into, import, inject, interject, infuse, instill, inoculate, impregnate, imbue, imbrue, graft, ingraft, bud, plant, implant, dovetail, obtrude, thrust in, stick in, ram in, stuff in, tuck in, press, in, drive in, pop in, whip in, drop in, put in, impact, empierce, imbed, immerse, immerge, merge, bathe, soak, dip, plunge, bury, insert itself, lodge itself, plunge in medias res.


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