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Found 1 definition: stinking.

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Pos: Noun, Adjective, Adverb

Adjective stinking has 2 senses

1.  stinking(s = adj.all) crappy, icky, lousy, rotten, shitty, stinky - very bad; "a lousy play"; "it's a stinking world"

2.  stinking(s = adj.all) fetid, foetid, foul, foul-smelling, funky, ill-scented, noisome, smelly - offensively malodorous; "a foul odor"; "the kitchen smelled really funky"


stinking, a. & n.

   a. & n. from Stink, v. [1913 Webster]

Stinking badger (Zoöl.), the teledu. -- Stinking cedar (Bot.), the California nutmeg tree; also, a related tree of Florida (Torreya taxifolia).


stinking, adj. & adv.
1 that stinks.
2 sl. very objectionable.
--adv. sl. extremely and usu. objectionably (stinking rich).

stinking badger a teledu.

stinkingly adv.



N  fetor, bad, smell, bad odor, stench, stink, foul odor, malodor, empyreuma, mustiness, rancidity, foulness, stoat, polecat, skunk, assafoetida, fungus, garlic, stinkpot, fitchet, fitchew, fourmart, peccary, acridity, fetid, strong-smelling, high, bad, strong, fulsome, offensive, noisome, rank, rancid, reasty, tainted, musty, fusty, frouzy, olid, olidous, nidorous, smelling, stinking, putrid, suffocating, mephitic, empyreumatic.


stinking bean trefoil, stinking cedar, stinking chamomile, stinking clover, stinking elder, stinking gladwyn, stinking goosefoot, stinking hellebore, stinking horehound, stinking iris, stinking mayweed, stinking nightshade, stinking smut, stinking wattle, stinking weed, stinking yew