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Found 1 definition: straining.

straining top

Pos: a. & n.

Noun straining has 2 senses

1.  straining(n = noun.act) strain - an intense or violent exertion;
is a kind of effort, elbow grease, exertion, sweat, travail
Derived form verb strain3

2.  straining(n = noun.act) distortion, overrefinement, torture, twisting - the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean;
is a kind of falsification, misrepresentation

Adjective straining has 1 senses

   straining(s = adj.all) arduous, strenuous - taxing to the utmost; testing powers of endurance; "his final, straining burst of speed"; "a strenuous task"; "your willingness after these six arduous days to remain here"


straining, a. & n.

   a. & n. from Strain. [1913 Webster]

Straining piece (Arch.), a short piece of timber in a truss, used to maintain the ends of struts or rafters, and keep them from slipping. See Illust. of Queen-post.