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Found 1 definition: strategy.

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Pos: Noun

Noun strategy has 2 senses

1.  strategy(n = noun.cognition) scheme - an elaborate and systematic plan of action;
is a kind of plan of action
has particulars: contrivance, dodge, stratagem, counterterrorism, game plan, game plan, bubble, house of cards, playbook, game, plot, secret plan, pyramid scheme, waiting game, wheeze, incentive program, incentive scheme
Derived forms adjective strategic1, adjective strategical1, noun strategist1

2.  strategy(n = noun.cognition) - the branch of military science dealing with military command and the planning and conduct of a war;
is a kind of
military science
Derived forms adjective strategic2, adjective strategic1, adjective strategical1, noun strategist1


strategy, n. [Gr. : cf. F. stratégie. See Stratagem.].

1.  The science of military command, or the science of projecting campaigns and directing great military movements; generalship. [1913 Webster]

2.  The use of stratagem or artifice. [1913 Webster]


strategy, n. (pl. -ies)
1 the art of war.
2 a the management of an army or armies in a campaign. b the art of moving troops, ships, aircraft, etc. into favourable positions (cf. TACTICS). c an instance of this or a plan formed according to it.
3 a plan of action or policy in business or politics etc. (economic strategy).

strategist n.

F strat{eacute}gie f. Gk strategia generalship f. strategos: see STRATAGEM



N  conduct, behavior, deportment, comportment, carriage, maintien, demeanor, guise, bearing, manner, observance, dealing, transaction, business, tactics, game, game plan, policy, polity, generalship, statesmanship, seamanship, strategy, strategics, plan, management, husbandry, housekeeping, housewifery, stewardship, menage, regime, economy, economics, political economy, government, execution, manipulation, treatment, campaign, career, life, course, walk, race, record, course of conduct, line of conduct, line of action, line of proceeding, role, process, ways, practice, procedure, modus operandi, MO, method of operating, method, path, conducting, strategical, businesslike, practical, executive.


N  warfare, fighting, hostilities, war, arms, the sword, Mars, Bellona, grim visaged war, horrida bella, bloodshed, appeal to arms, appeal to the sword, ordeal of battle, wager of battle, ultima ratio regum, arbitrament of the sword, battle array, campaign, crusade, expedition, operations, mobilization, state of siege, battlefield, theater of operations, warpath, art of war, tactics, strategy, castrametation, generalship, soldiership, logistics, military evolutions, ballistics, gunnery, chivalry, gunpowder, shot, battle, tug of war, service, campaigning, active service, tented field, kriegspiel, Kriegsspiel, fire cross, trumpet, clarion, bugle, pibroch, slogan, war-cry, war-whoop, battle cry, beat of drum, rappel, tom-tom, calumet of war, word of command, password, watchword, passage d-armes, war to the death, war to the knife, guerre a mort, guerre a outrance, open war, internecine war, civil war, contending, contentious, armed, armed to the teeth, armed cap-a-pie, sword in hand, in arms, under arms, up in arms, at war with, bristling with arms, in battle array, in open arms, in the field, embattled, battled, unpacific, unpeaceful, belligerent, combative, armigerous, bellicose, martial, warlike, military, militant, soldier-like, soldierly, chivalrous, strategical, internecine, flagrante bello, in the thick of the fray, in the cannon's mouth, at the sword's point, at the point of the bayonet, Int, vae victis!, to arms!, to your tents O Israel!, the battle rages, a la guerre comme a la guerre, bis peccare in bello non licet, jus gladii, my voice is still for war, 'tis well that war is so terrible, otherwise we might grow fond of it, my sentence is for open war, pride, pomp, and circumstance of glorious war, the cannons have their bowels full of wrath, the cannons aspit forth their iron indignation, the fire-eyed maid of smoky war, silent leges inter arma, si vis pacem para bellum.


beggar-my-neighbor strategy, beggar-my-neighbour strategy, pac-man strategy