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Found 1 definition: suspensory.

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Pos: Adjective, Noun

Noun suspensory has 1 senses

   suspensory(n = noun.artifact) suspensory bandage - a bandage of elastic fabric applied to uplift a dependant part (as the scrotum or a pendulous breast);
is a kind of bandage, patch


suspensory, a.

1.  Suspended; hanging; depending. [1913 Webster]

2.  Fitted or serving to suspend; suspending; as, a suspensory muscle. Ray. [1913 Webster]

3.  Of or pertaining to a suspensorium. [1913 Webster]

suspensory, n. [Cf. F. suspensoir, suspensoire.].

   That which suspends, or holds up, as a truss [1913 Webster]


suspensory, adj. (of a ligament, muscle, bandage, etc.) holding an organ etc. suspended.

F suspensoire (as SUSPENSION)


suspensory bandage