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Found 1 definition: tiro.

tiro top

Pos: Noun

Noun tiro has 1 senses

   tiro(n = noun.person) beginner, initiate, novice, tyro - someone new to a field or activity;
is a kind of unskilled person
has particulars: abecedarian, apprentice, learner, prentice, cub, greenhorn, rookie, landlubber, landsman, lubber, entrant, fledgeling, fledgling, freshman, neophyte, newbie, newcomer, starter, tenderfoot, trainee


tiro, n. [L.].

   Same as Tyro. [1913 Webster]


tiro, n. (also tyro) (pl. -os) a beginner or novice.

L tiro, med.L tyro, recruit