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Found 1 definition: tourniquet.

tourniquet top

Pos: Noun

Noun tourniquet has 1 senses

   tourniquet(n = noun.artifact) compression bandage - bandage that stops the flow of blood from an artery by applying pressure;
is a kind of bandage, patch


tourniquet, n. [F., fr. tourner to turn.].

   An instrument for arresting hemorrhage. It consists essentially of a pad or compress upon which pressure is made by a band which is tightened by a screw or other means. [1913 Webster]


tourniquet, n. a device for stopping the flow of blood through an artery by twisting a bar etc. in a ligature or bandage.

F prob. f. OF tournicle coat of mail, TUNICLE, infl. by tourner TURN



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