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Found 1 definition: toxic.

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Pos: Adjective

Adjective toxic has 1 senses

   toxic(a = adj.all) - of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison; "suffering from exposure to toxic substances"
Derived forms noun toxicity1, noun toxin1


toxic, a. [L. toxicum poison, originally, a poison in which arrows were dipped, Gr. toxiko`n (sc. ) poison for smearing arrows with, fr. toxiko`s of or for the bow, from to`xon bow, arrow. Cf. Intoxicate.].

   Of or pertaining to poison; poisonous; as, toxic medicines. [1913 Webster]


toxic, adj.
1 of or relating to poison (toxic symptoms).
2 poisonous (toxic gas).
3 caused by poison (toxic anaemia).

toxically adv. toxicity n.

med.L toxicus poisoned f. L toxicum f. Gk toxikon (pharmakon) (poison for) arrows f. toxon bow, toxa arrows



N  insalubrity, unhealthiness, nonnaturals, plague spot, malaria, death in the pot, contagion, toxicity, insalubrious, unhealthy, unwholesome, noxious, noisome, morbific, morbiferous, mephitic, septic, azotic, deleterious, pestilent, pestiferous, pestilential, virulent, venomous, envenomed, poisonous, toxic, toxiferous, teratogenic, narcotic, contagious, infectious, catching, taking, epidemic, zymotic, epizootic, innutritious, indigestible, ungenial, uncongenial, deadly.


toxic condition, toxic dumpsite, toxic industrial waste, toxic shock, toxic shock syndrome, toxic site, toxic waste, toxic waste area, toxic waste dump, toxic waste site