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Found 1 definition: trotter.

trotter top

Pos: Noun

Noun trotter has 2 senses

1.  trotter(n = noun.animal) - foot of a pig or sheep especially one used as food;
is a kind of
animal foot, foot
is a part of grunter, hog, pig, squealer, sus scrofa, sheep
Derived form verb trot1

2.  trotter(n = noun.animal) trotting horse - a horse trained to trot; especially a horse trained for harness racing;
is a kind of bangtail, race horse, racehorse
has particulars: pole horse
Derived form verb trot1


trotter, n.

1.  One that trots; especially, a horse trained to be driven in trotting matches. [1913 Webster]

2.  The foot of an animal, especially that of a sheep; also, humorously, the human foot. [1913 Webster]


trotter, n.
1 a horse bred or trained for trotting.
2 (usu. in pl.) a an animal's foot as food (pig's trotters). b joc. a human foot.



VB  move slowly, creep, crawl, lag, slug, drawl, linger, loiter, saunter, plod, trudge, stump along, lumber, trail, drag, dawdle, grovel, worm one's way, steal along, job on, rub on, bundle on, toddle, waddle, wabble, slug, traipse, slouch, shuffle, halt, hobble, limp, caludicate, shamble, flag, falter, trotter, stagger, mince, step short, march in slow time, march in funeral procession, take one's time, hang fire, retard, relax, slacken, check, moderate, rein in, curb, reef, strike sail, shorten sail, take in sail, put on the drag, apply the brake, clip the wings, reduce the speed, slacken speed, slacken one's pace, lose ground.


globe trotter