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Found 1 definition: tympanic cavity.

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Noun tympanic cavity has 1 senses

   tympanic cavity(n = noun.body) middle ear, tympanum - the main cavity of the ear; between the eardrum and the inner ear;
is a kind of bodily cavity, cavity, cavum
is a part of auditory apparatus
has parts: bonelet, ossicle, ossiculum, auditory tube, eustachian tube, hammer, malleus, anvil, incus, stapes, stirrup


abdominal cavity, amniotic cavity, axillary cavity, bodily cavity, buccal cavity, cavity, cavity resonator, cavity wall, chest cavity, cleavage cavity, cotyloid cavity, cranial cavity, glenoid cavity, intracranial cavity, lesser peritoneal cavity, nasal cavity, oral cavity, orbital cavity, pelvic cavity, pericardial cavity, peritoneal cavity, pleural cavity, pulp cavity, segmentation cavity, thoracic cavity, tubular cavity, tympanic, tympanic bone, tympanic membrane, tympanic vein, uterine cavity