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Found 1 definition: warble.

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Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)

Noun warble has 1 senses

   warble(n = noun.animal) - a lumpy abscess under the hide of domestic mammals caused by larvae of a botfly or warble fly;
is a kind of
animal disease

Verb warble has 2 senses

1.  warble(v = verb.communication) quaver, trill - sing or play with trills, alternating with the half note above or below;
is one way to sing
Derived form noun warbler1
Sample sentences: They will warble the duet

2.  warble(v = verb.communication) descant, yodel - sing by changing register; sing by yodeling; "The Austrians were yodeling in the mountains"
is one way to sing
Sample sentences: The birds warble in the woods


warble, n. [Cf. Wormil.].

1.  A small, hard tumor which is produced on the back of a horse by the heat or pressure of the saddle in traveling. [1913 Webster]

2.  See Wormil. [1913 Webster]

warble, v. t. [OE. werbelen, OF. werbler; of Teutonic origin; cf. G. wirbeln to turn, to warble, D. wervelen, akin to E. whirl. See Whirl.].

1.  To sing in a trilling, quavering, or vibratory manner; to modulate with turns or variations; to trill; as, certain birds are remarkable for warbling their songs. [1913 Webster]

2.  To utter musically; to modulate; to carol. [1913 Webster]
"If she be right invoked in warbled song." [1913 Webster]
"Warbling sweet the nuptial lay." [1913 Webster]

3.  To cause to quaver or vibrate. Milton. [1913 Webster]

warble, v. i.

1.  To be quavered or modulated; to be uttered melodiously. [1913 Webster]
"Such strains ne'er warble in the linnet's throat." [1913 Webster]

2.  To sing in a trilling manner, or with many turns and variations. Milton. [1913 Webster]

3.  To sing with sudden changes from chest to head tones; to yodel. [1913 Webster]

warble, n.

   A quavering modulation of the voice; a musical trill; a song. [1913 Webster]
"And he, the wondrous child,
Whose silver warble wild
Outvalued every pulsing sound.
" [1913 Webster]


warble, v. & n.
1 intr. & tr. sing in a gentle trilling manner.
2 tr. a speak or utter in a warbling manner. b express in a song or verse (warbled his love).
--n. a warbled song or utterance.

warble, n.
1 a hard lump on a horse's back caused by the galling of a saddle.
2 a the larva of a warble fly beneath the skin of cattle etc. b a tumour produced by this.

warble fly any of various flies of the genus Hypoderma, infesting the skin of cattle and horses.

16th c.: orig. uncert.



VB  cry, roar, bellow, blare, rebellow, growl, snarl, bark, bow-wow, yelp, bay, bay at the moon, yap, yip, yipe, growl, yarr, yawl, snarl, howl, grunt, gruntle, snort, squeak neigh, whinny, bray, mew, mewl, meow, purr, caterwaul, pule, baa, bleat, low, moo, troat, croak, peep, coo, gobble, quack, honk, gaggle, guggle, crow, caw, squawk, screech cackle, cluck, clack, chuck, chuckle, hoot, hoo, chirp, cheep, chirrup, twitter, cuckoo, warble, trill, tweet, pipe, whistle, hum, buzz, hiss, blatter, ratatat.


VB  play, pipe, strike up, sweep the chords, tweedle, fiddle, strike the lyre, beat the drum, blow the horn, sound the horn, wind the horn, doodle, grind the organ, touch the guitar, thrum, strum, beat time, execute, perform, accompany, sing a second, play a second, compose, set to music, arrange, sing, chaunt, chant, hum, warble, carol, chirp, chirrup, lilt, purl, quaver, trill, shake, twitter, whistle, sol-fa, intone, have an ear for music, have a musical ear, have a correct ear.


warble fly