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Found 1 definition: wrongly.

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Pos: Adverb

Adverbial wrongly has 2 senses

1.  wrongly(r = adv.all) - without justice or fairness; "wouldst not play false and yet would wrongly win"

2.  wrongly(r = adv.all) incorrectly, wrong - in an inaccurate manner; "he decided to reveal the details only after other sources had reported them incorrectly"; "she guessed wrong"
Antonym: right


wrongly, adv.

   In a wrong manner; unjustly; erroneously; wrong; amiss; as, he judges wrongly of my motives. Shak. [1913 Webster]



N  wrong, what ought not to be, what should not be, malum in se, unreasonableness, grievance, shame, injustice, tort, unfairness, iniquity, foul play, partiality, leaning, bias, favor, favoritism, nepotism, party spirit, partisanship, bigotry, undueness, wrongdoing (vice), unlawfulness, robbing Peter to pay Paul, the wolf and the lamb, vice, a custom more honored in the breach than the obser, wrong, wrongful, bad, too bad, unjust, unfair, inequitable, unequitable, unequal, partial, one-sided, injurious, tortious, objectionable, unreasonable, unallowable, unwarrantable, unjustifiable, improper, unfit, unjustified, illegal, iniquitous, immoral, in the wrong, in the wrong box, wrongly, it will not do.