Alkitab Mobile SABDA
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 <<  Kejadian 19 : 23 >> 

KJV: The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot entered into Zoar.

AYT: Matahari baru saja terbit ketika Lot tiba di Zoar.

TB: Matahari telah terbit menyinari bumi, ketika Lot tiba di Zoar.

TL: Maka matahari telah terbit di atas bumi apabila Lut masuk ke dalam Zoar.

MILT: Matahari telah terbit di atas bumi, dan Lot tiba di Zoar.

Shellabear 2010: Matahari sudah terbit di atas bumi ketika Lut sampai di Zoar.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Matahari sudah terbit di atas bumi ketika Lut sampai di Zoar.

KSKK: Matahari telah terbit ketika Lot sampai ke Zoar.

VMD: Lot memasuki kota itu ketika matahari terbit.

TSI: Lot dan keluarganya tiba di kampung yang sekarang dinamai Zoar itu sesudah matahari terbit.

BIS: Matahari sedang terbit ketika Lot sampai di Zoar.

TMV: Matahari sedang terbit ketika Lot tiba di Zoar.

FAYH: Matahari sudah naik ketika Lot tiba di kota itu.

ENDE: Matahari sudah terbit diatas bumi, ketika Lot sampai ke Soar.

Shellabear 1912: Maka matahari sudah terbit di atas bumi apabila Lot masuk ke dalam Zoar.

Leydekker Draft: Demi mataharij sudah terbit di`atas bumi, maka masokhlah Lawth ka-TSawszar.

AVB: Matahari baru sahaja terbit di atas bumi ketika Lut sampai di Zoar.

TB ITL: Matahari <08121> telah terbit <03318> menyinari <05921> bumi <0776>, ketika Lot <03876> tiba <0935> di Zoar <06820>.

Jawa: Srengenge wus mlethek ngungkuli bumi nalika Lut tekan ing Zoar.

Jawa 1994: Kocapa bareng srengéngéné wis mlethèk lan Lot wis tekan Zoar,

Sunda: Wanci meletek panonpoe, Elut geus dugi ka Soar.

Madura: Are la moncar e bakto Lud napa’ ka Zowar.

Bali: Ritatkala Dane Lot rauh ring kota Soar, suryane sampun endag nyunarin jagate.

Bugis: Momponi matanna essoé wettunna Lot lettu ri Zoar.

Makasar: Sitabangi ammumba alloa ri wattu anrapi’na Lot mange ri Zoar.

Toraja: Dellekmo dio randan langi’ tu allo tonna tamamo kota Zoar tu Lot.

Bambam: Iya buttum allo anna landa'i Lot lako Zoar.

Karo: Matawari nggo pultak sanga Lut seh i Soar.

Simalungun: Domma pala poltak mata ni ari i tanoh on, sanggah na das ai si Lot i Zoar.

Toba: Nunga pola binsar mata ni ari di tano on, di na sahat i si Lot tu Zoar.

Kupang: Waktu matahari mulai nae, Lot dong sampe di Soar.

NETBible: The sun had just risen over the land as Lot reached Zoar.

NASB: The sun had risen over the earth when Lot came to Zoar.

HCSB: The sun had risen over the land when Lot reached Zoar.

LEB: The sun had just risen over the land as Lot came to Zoar.

NIV: By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land.

ESV: The sun had risen on the earth when Lot came to Zoar.

NRSV: The sun had risen on the earth when Lot came to Zoar.

REB: The sun had risen over the land as Lot entered Zoar,

NKJV: The sun had risen upon the earth when Lot entered Zoar.

AMP: The sun had risen over the earth when Lot entered Zoar.

NLT: The sun was rising as Lot reached the village.

GNB: The sun was rising when Lot reached Zoar.

ERV: Lot was entering the town as the sun came up,

BBE: The sun was up when Lot came to Zoar.

MSG: The sun was high in the sky when Lot arrived at Zoar.

CEV: The sun was coming up as Lot reached the town of Zoar,

CEVUK: The sun was coming up as Lot reached the town of Zoar,

GWV: The sun had just risen over the land as Lot came to Zoar.

NET [draft] ITL: The sun <08121> had just risen <03318> over <05921> the land <0776> as Lot <03876> reached <0935> Zoar <06820>.

 <<  Kejadian 19 : 23 >> 

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