Alkitab Mobile SABDA
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Bali: Bangsan tiange sampun keni pasisip langkungan ring penduduk kota Sodome, sane tan pararapan karusak antuk tangan Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa.

AYT: Sebab, hukuman atas kedurhakaan putri bangsaku lebih besar daripada atas dosa-dosa Sodom, yang ditunggangbalikkan dalam sekejap, dan tidak ada tangan yang menolongnya.

TB: Kedurjanaan puteri bangsaku melebihi dosa Sodom, yang sekejap mata dibongkar-bangkir tanpa ada tangan yang memukulnya.

TL: Maka besarlah dosa puteri bangsa-Ku dari pada dosa Sodom, yang telah dibongkar dalam sesaat jua, dan tiada tangan berlelah sebabnya.

MILT: Dan kejahatan putri bangsaku melonjak lebih dari dosa Sodom, yang telah dirobohkan seketika, dan tidak ada tangan yang menegakkannya.

Shellabear 2010: Kesalahan putri bangsaku lebih besar daripada dosa Sodom, yang ditunggangbalikkan dalam sekejap tanpa campur tangan manusia.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Kesalahan putri bangsaku lebih besar daripada dosa Sodom, yang ditunggangbalikkan dalam sekejap tanpa campur tangan manusia.

KSKK: Siksaan terhadap bangsaku melebihi bangsa Sodom yang dirobohkan sekejap mata tanpa bantuan seorang pun

VMD: Dosa putri umat-Ku sangat besar. Dosa mereka lebih besar daripada dosa Sodom dan Gomora. Sodom dan Gomora tiba-tiba binasa, bukan tangan manusia yang membuatnya binasa.

BIS: Umatku telah dihukum lebih berat dari penduduk Sodom yang dalam sekejap mata hancur oleh tangan Allah tanpa tindakan manusia.

TMV: Bangsaku telah dihukum lebih berat daripada penduduk Sodom, yang musnah dalam sekelip mata kerana dihukum oleh Allah.

FAYH: Karena dosa bangsaku jauh lebih besar daripada dosa penduduk Kota Sodom yang telah dihancurkan dalam sekejap mata tanpa campur tangan manusia.

ENDE: Sebab besar kesalahan puteri bangsaku daripada dosa Sodom, jang dihantjurkan dalam sekedjap mata, tanpa ada jang mengulurkan tangannja.

Shellabear 1912: Karena kajahatan anak perempuan kaumku itu terlebih besar dari pada dosa Sodom yang telah dibinasakan dalam sesaat juga bukan dengan tangan manusia.

Leydekker Draft: Waw. Maka kasalahan 'anakh parampuwan khawmku 'itu terbesar deri pada dawsa Sedawm, jang sudah terbalikh belah seperti pada sasaszat, dan barang tangan sudah tijada berlelah padanja.

AVB: Hukuman atas kesalahan puteri bangsaku lebih berat daripada hukuman ke atas dosa Sodom, yang dimusnahkan dalam sekejap sahaja tanpa campur tangan manusia.

TB ITL: Kedurjanaan <05771> puteri <01323> bangsaku <05971> melebihi <01431> dosa <02403> Sodom <05467>, yang sekejap mata <07281> dibongkar-bangkir <02015> tanpa <03808> ada tangan <03027> yang memukulnya <02342>. [<03644>]

Jawa: Durakaning putrine bangsaku ngungkuli dosane Sodom, kang diwalik sajroning sakedhep netra, tanpa katiban ing tangan.

Jawa 1994: Umat-Ku nampa paukuman sing luwih abot tinimbang wong Sodom, sing katumpes dadakan déning astané Pangéran.

Sunda: Bangsa kuring geus dihukum leuwih beurat ti batan urang Sadumu, anu ngadadak dilebur ku Allah.

Madura: Tang ommat la eokom alebbiyan dhari pandhudhu’ Sodom se e dhalem saparngedep ancor e dhalem astana Pangeran maske tadha’ tanangnga manossa se mokol.

Bugis: Purani rihukkung umma’ku lebbi matane’i naiya pabbanuwana Sodom iya ri laleng sikédé mataé ancuru’i nasaba limanna Allataala na dé’gaga tindakanna tolinoé.

Makasar: Nihukkungi ummakKu la’bi battallangngang na hukkunganna tu Sodom le’baka sipakkida mataji bawang naancuru’ lalang limanNa Allata’ala na teai tete gau’ rupatau.

Toraja: Belanna iatu kakadakeanna anak dara bangsaku mandu kapua anna kasalanna Sodom, tu dibaliangan lan sangkappidian mata, moi misa’ tau tae’ ungkasara’i.

Karo: Bangsangku nggo iukum, lebihen asangken ukumen man kalak Sodom, si rempet itombangken alu tan Dibata.

Simalungun: Dousani boruni bangsangku banggalan do ai ase dousa ni Sodom, na pinarseda ibagas sangkidop mata, seng pala dais tangan.

Toba: Umbalga do antong hajahaton ni boru ni bangsongku sian dosa ni Sodom, i do garina balik di bagasan sangkidop mata, ndang pola lumenduk tanganna dibahen.


ו (Vav) The punishment of my people exceeded that of of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment with no one to help her.

NASB: For the iniquity of the daughter of my people Is greater than the sin of Sodom, Which was overthrown as in a moment, And no hands were turned toward her.

HCSB: The punishment of my dear people is greater than that of Sodom, which was overthrown in an instant without a hand laid on it.

LEB: The punishment for my people’s wickedness has been more severe than the punishment for the sins of Sodom. Sodom was destroyed instantly, without one human hand touching it.

NIV: The punishment of my people is greater than that of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment without a hand turned to help her.

ESV: For the chastisement of the daughter of my people has been greater than the punishment of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and no hands were wrung for her.

NRSV: For the chastisement of my people has been greater than the punishment of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, though no hand was laid on it.

REB: The penalty inflicted on my people is worse than the punishment of Sodom, which suffered overthrow in a moment, and no hands were wrung.

NKJV: The punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people Is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, Which was overthrown in a moment, With no hand to help her!

KJV: For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.

AMP: For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and no hands had come against her {or} been laid on her.

NLT: The guilt of my people is greater than that of Sodom, where utter disaster struck in a moment with no one to help them.

GNB: My people have been punished even more than the inhabitants of Sodom, which met a sudden downfall at the hands of God.

ERV: The sin of my people was very great— greater than the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. Those cities were destroyed suddenly, but not by any human hand.

BBE: For the punishment of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of Sodom, which was overturned suddenly without any hand falling on her.

MSG: The evil guilt of my dear people was worse than the sin of Sodom--The city was destroyed in a flash, and no one around to help.

CEV: My nation was punished worse than the people of Sodom, whose city was destroyed in a flash without the help of human hands.

CEVUK: My nation was punished worse than the people of Sodom, whose city was destroyed in a flash without the help of human hands.

GWV: The punishment for my people’s wickedness has been more severe than the punishment for the sins of Sodom. Sodom was destroyed instantly, without one human hand touching it.

NET [draft] ITL: ו(Vav) The punishment <05771> of my people <05971> <01323> exceeded <01431> that <02403> of of Sodom <05467>, which was overthrown <02015> in a moment <07281> with no one <03808> to help <03027> <02342> her.

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