Alkitab Mobile SABDA
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 <<  Ayub 30 : 4 >> 

Jawa: padha reramban gegodhongan asin ana ing grumbulan lan oyoding wit rotem dadi pangane,

AYT: mereka memetik tanaman menjalar dan daun dari semak-semak, dan akar pohon arar adalah makanannya.

TB: mereka memetik gelang laut dari antara semak-semak, dan akar pohon arar menjadi makanan mereka.

TL: barang yang maung di antara tumbuh-tumbuhan itu dipetik olehnya dengan sukanya dan dikenyangkannya perutnya dengan akar pokok arar.

MILT: mereka memetik tumbuhan liar dari antara semak-semak, dan mengumpulkan akar pohon untuk makanan mereka.

Shellabear 2010: Mereka memetik rumput asin di antara semak-semak dan akar pohon arar menjadi makanan mereka.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Mereka memetik rumput asin di antara semak-semak dan akar pohon arar menjadi makanan mereka.

KSKK: Mereka mengumpulkan rumput laut dari semak-semak kering, makanan mereka adalah akar pohon arar.

VMD: Mereka mencabut tanaman garam di padang gurun. Mereka memakan akar pohon semak.

BIS: Mereka mencabut belukar di padang belantara lalu memakan baik daun maupun akarnya.

TMV: Mereka mencabut belukar di gurun, lalu makan daun dan akarnya.

FAYH: Mereka makan akar-akar dan daun-daun pohon liar;

ENDE: Mereka memetik rumput masin dan daun belukar, dan akar bunglai mendjadi makanannja.

Shellabear 1912: Maka dipetiknya rumput masin dekat semak-semak dan akar tulang-tulang menjadi makanan.

Leydekker Draft: Jang menggintas dawon molakh dekat rongga-ronggaan; dan 'akar pohon szarszar 'itu rawtinja.

AVB: Mereka memetik rumput garam di antara semak dan akar pokok arar menjadi makanan mereka.

TB ITL: mereka memetik <06998> gelang laut <04408> dari <05921> antara semak-semak <07880>, dan akar <08328> pohon arar <07574> menjadi makanan <03899> mereka.

Jawa 1994: Padha mbedholi grumbulan ing ara-ara samun mau, banjur mangani godhong lan dhangkèlé.

Sunda: nyarabutan tutuwuhan tegal, diharakan ka akar-akar tangkal nu euweuh rasana.

Madura: Reng-oreng jareya adabu’ but-ombut e ra-ara, laju ekakan dhaun sarta ramo’na.

Bali: Ipun pada mutbut entik-entikan ring tegal melakange raris kateda yadiastun akah taru sane tawah-tawah, sane nenten wenten rasanipun.

Bugis: Bébbui mennang alekale ri padang kessié nainappa nanré muwi daunna iyaré’ga ure’na.

Makasar: Ammi’buki ke’nanga rompo’ ri parang lompoa nampa nakanre leko’na siagang aka’na.

Toraja: naala tu sorang mapi’da dio mai garonto’na sia uaka’ roten napokande.

Karo: Dukut-dukut si turah i gurun pasir iruahna, jenari ipanna uratna aminna gia la lit nanamna.

Simalungun: laho mambuat pahu hun tongah-tongah ni poyon-poyon, ampa suhat panganon ni sidea.

Toba: Nasida angka na mansalong siarum horsik di holangkolang ni ramba, jala mangalului siarumpepe bahen panganonnasida.

NETBible: By the brush they would gather herbs from the salt marshes, and the root of the broom tree was their food.

NASB: Who pluck mallow by the bushes, And whose food is the root of the broom shrub.

HCSB: They plucked mallow among the shrubs, and the roots of the broom tree were their food.

LEB: They pick saltwort from the underbrush, and the roots of the broom plant are their food.

NIV: In the brush they gathered salt herbs, and their food was the root of the broom tree.

ESV: they pick saltwort and the leaves of bushes, and the roots of the broom tree for their food.

NRSV: they pick mallow and the leaves of bushes, and to warm themselves the roots of broom.

REB: they plucked saltwort and wormwood and for warmth the root of broom.

NKJV: Who pluck mallow by the bushes, And broom tree roots for their food.

KJV: Who cut up mallows by the bushes, and juniper roots [for] their meat.

AMP: They pluck saltwort {or} mallows among the bushes, and roots of the broom for their food {or} to warm them.

NLT: They eat coarse leaves, and they burn the roots of shrubs for heat.

GNB: They pulled up the plants of the desert and ate them, even the tasteless roots of the broom tree!

ERV: They pull up salt plants in the desert and eat the roots from the broom tree.

BBE: They are pulling off the salt leaves from the brushwood, and making a meal of roots.

MSG: Homeless guttersnipes chewing on old bones and licking old tin cans;

CEV: They gather tasteless shrubs for food and firewood,

CEVUK: They gather tasteless shrubs for food and firewood,

GWV: They pick saltwort from the underbrush, and the roots of the broom plant are their food.

NET [draft] ITL: By the brush <06998> they would gather herbs <04408> from <05921> the salt marshes <07880>, and the root <08328> of the broom tree <07574> was their food <03899>.

 <<  Ayub 30 : 4 >> 

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