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 <<  2 Tawarikh 22 : 3 >> 

Leydekker Draft: Lagipawn berdjalanlah 'ija 'ini turut segala djalan 'isij rumah 'Ah`ab: karana bondanja 'itu 'adalah pembitjaranja 'akan berbowat fusukh.

AYT: Dia juga hidup menurut jejak keluarga Ahab karena ibunya menjadi penasihatnya untuk melakukan kejahatan.

TB: Iapun hidup menurut kelakuan keluarga Ahab, karena ibunya menasihatinya untuk melakukan yang jahat.

TL: Maka iapun berjalanlah pada segala jalan orang isi rumah Akhab, karena bundanya juga jadi pembicaranya dalam segala perbuatan yang jahat.

MILT: Dia berjalan di jalan keluarga Ahab, karena ibunya telah menjadi penasihat baginya untuk melakukan yang jahat.

Shellabear 2010: Ia juga hidup mengikuti jejak keluarga Ahab, karena ibunya menasihati dia untuk berbuat fasik.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Ia juga hidup mengikuti jejak keluarga Ahab, karena ibunya menasihati dia untuk berbuat fasik.

KSKK: Ia juga mengikuti contoh keluarga Ahab, karena ibunya memberinya nasihat yang jahat.

VMD: Cara hidup Ahazia sama seperti hidup keluarga Ahab. Cara hidupnya seperti itu karena ibunya menyuruhnya melakukan yang salah.

BIS: (22:2)

TMV: (22:2)

FAYH: Raja Ahazia juga mengikuti jejak Ahab yang jahat, karena ibunya sendiri mendorong dia untuk berbuat jahat.

ENDE: Iapun melandjutkan djalan wangsa Ahab, sebab ibunja mendjadi penasihatnja jang djahat.

Shellabear 1912: Maka baginda itupun menurut jala segala orang isi rumah Ahab karena bunda baginda yang memberi bicara kepada baginda disuruh berbuat jahat.

AVB: Dia juga hidup mengikuti jejak keluarga Ahab, kerana ibunya menasihatinya untuk berbuat fasiq.

TB ITL: Iapun <01931> <01571> hidup <01980> menurut kelakuan <01870> keluarga <01004> Ahab <0256>, karena <03588> ibunya <0517> menasihatinya <03289> untuk melakukan yang jahat <07561>. [<01961>]

Jawa: Sang Prabu sugenge iya manut ing lampah-lampahe tedhake Sang Prabu Akhab, awit kang ibu paring pitutur supaya nglampahi kang ala.

Jawa 1994: (22:2)

Sunda: (22:2)

Madura: (22:2)

Bali: (22:2)

Bugis: (22:2)

Makasar: (22:2)

Toraja: Unturu’ duka bate lalanna bati’na Ahab belanna indo’na tu dadi to ma’pana’ta’na la umpogau’ penggauran kadake.

Karo: (2Taw 22:2)

Simalungun: Ia pe mardalan do bani dalan ni ginompar ni si Ahab, ai inangni do panuturini, laho mangkorjahon hajahaton.

Toba: Ibana pe marparange do di angka dalan ni pinompar ni si Ahab, ai inana do panuturina, laho mangulahon hajahaton.

NETBible: He followed in the footsteps of Ahab’s dynasty, for his mother gave him evil advice.

NASB: He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counselor to do wickedly.

HCSB: He walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother gave him evil advice.

LEB: Ahaziah also followed the ways of Ahab’s family, because his mother gave him advice that led him to sin.

NIV: He too walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother encouraged him in doing wrong.

ESV: He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counselor in doing wickedly.

NRSV: He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counselor in doing wickedly.

REB: He too followed the practices of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counsellor in wickedness.

NKJV: He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother advised him to do wickedly.

KJV: He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab: for his mother was his counsellor to do wickedly.

AMP: He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counselor to do wickedly.

NLT: Ahaziah also followed the evil example of King Ahab’s family, for his mother encouraged him in doing wrong.

GNB: (22:2)

ERV: Ahaziah also lived the way Ahab’s family lived because his mother encouraged him to do wrong.

BBE: He went in the ways of the family of Ahab, for his mother was his teacher in evil-doing.

MSG: He lived and ruled just like the Ahab family had done, his mother training him in evil ways.

CEV: and she encouraged her son to sin against the LORD. He followed the evil example of King Ahab and his descendants.

CEVUK: and she encouraged her son to sin against the Lord. He followed the evil example of King Ahab and his descendants.

GWV: Ahaziah also followed the ways of Ahab’s family, because his mother gave him advice that led him to sin.

NET [draft] ITL: He <01931> followed <01980> in the footsteps <01870> of Ahab’s <0256> dynasty <01004>, for <03588> his mother <0517> gave <07561> him evil <07561> advice <03289>.

 <<  2 Tawarikh 22 : 3 >> 

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