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[VER] : [MAKASAR]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Ezra 2 : 62 >> 

Makasar: (2:61)

AYT: Mereka mencari catatan nama mereka dalam daftar silsilah, tetapi nama mereka tidak dapat ditemukan. Oleh karena itu, mereka dinyatakan tidak tahir untuk menyandang jabatan imam.

TB: Mereka itu menyelidiki apakah nama mereka tercatat dalam silsilah, tetapi karena itu tidak didapati, maka mereka dinyatakan tidak tahir untuk jabatan imam.

TL: Maka sekalian ini mencaharilah surat asalnya di antara segala yang tersebut pada daftar keturunan, tetapi tiada dapat, sebab itu mereka itu dijauhkan dari pada imamat seperti orang najis adanya.

MILT: Mereka menyelidiki daftar mereka di antara orang-orang yang dihitung menurut silsilah, tetapi mereka tidak ditemukan. Oleh karena itu mereka dianggap najis untuk keimaman.

Shellabear 2010: Mereka itu mencari catatan nama mereka dalam daftar silsilah tetapi tidak menemukannya. Sebab itu mereka dinyatakan cemar untuk jabatan imam.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Mereka itu mencari catatan nama mereka dalam daftar silsilah tetapi tidak menemukannya. Sebab itu mereka dinyatakan cemar untuk jabatan imam.

KSKK: Orang-orang ini mencari asal-usulnya dalam daftar silsilah nenek moyang tetepi tidak dapat menemukan di dalamnya, sehingga mereka dikeluarkan dari jabatan imam sebagai orang najis

VMD: Orang itu mencari riwayat keluarga, tetapi tidak menemukannya, nama mereka tidak tercantum dalam daftar imam-imam. Mereka tidak dapat membuktikan bahwa nenek moyang mereka adalah imam, maka mereka tidak dapat melayani sebagai imam.

TSI: (2:61)

BIS: (2:61)

TMV: (2:61)

FAYH: Tetapi mereka juga sudah tidak jelas silsilahnya, sehingga para pemimpin tidak mengizinkan mereka terus melayani sebagai imam. Mereka malah tidak diizinkan makan persembahan mahasuci yang menjadi bagian para imam sampai diperoleh petunjuk dari Allah melalui Urim dan Tumim, apakah mereka benar-benar keturunan imam atau bukan.

ENDE: Mereka itu mentjari (dalam) daftar silsilah mereka, tetapi tidak terdapat didalamnja. Maka mereka diharamkan untuk keimaman.

Shellabear 1912: Maka sekalian ini mencarilah akan suratnya di antara segala orang yang telah dibilang dengan surat keturunannya tetapi tiada dapat sebab itu sekaliannya dibilangkan najis lalu dipecat dari pada pangkat imam.

Leydekker Draft: 'Awrang 'ini sudah mentjaharij suratnja di`antara segala 'awrang jang terbilang dalam daftar bangsa, hanja tijadalah 'ija kadapatan: sebab 'itu 'ija sudha dekatjuwalikan seperti 'awrang nedjis deri pada 'Imamat.

AVB: Mereka ini mencari catatan nama mereka dalam daftar salasilah tetapi tidak menemukannya. Oleh sebab itu mereka dinyatakan cemar untuk jawatan imam.

TB ITL: Mereka itu <0428> menyelidiki <01245> apakah nama mereka tercatat dalam silsilah <03187> <03791>, tetapi karena itu tidak <03808> didapati <04672>, maka mereka dinyatakan tidak tahir <01351> untuk <04480> jabatan imam <03550>.

Jawa: Iku padha nitipriksa apa jenenge padha kasebut ing sara-silah, nanging ora tinemu, temah padha dianggep ora suci, lan ora diparengake nglenggahi kaimaman.

Jawa 1994: (2:61)

Sunda: (2:61)

Madura: (2:61)

Bali: (2:61)

Bugis: (2:61)

Toraja: Mintu’ tau iato undaka’ sura’ tanda kumua mangkamo disura’ lan luntara’, apa tae’ diapparan lan, iamoto nadisarakki lan mai pangka’ katominaan.

Karo: (Ezr 2:61)

Simalungun: Sidea ai ma na mangindahi surat hatorangan ni partubuh ni sidea, hape lang jumpah sidea, jadi ipadarat ma sidea humbani hamalimon songon halak na butak.

Toba: Angka i ma mandiori surat aturan ni partubunasida, alai ndang jumpangsa, jadi ramun nasida dietong, laos dipabali nasida sian hamalimon.

NETBible: They searched for their records in the genealogical materials, but did not find them. They were therefore excluded from the priesthood.

NASB: These searched among their ancestral registration, but they could not be located; therefore they were considered unclean and excluded from the priesthood.

HCSB: These searched for their entries in the genealogical records, but they could not be found, so they were disqualified from the priesthood.

LEB: These people searched for their family names in the genealogical records, but their names couldn’t be found there. For this reason they were considered contaminated and couldn’t be priests.

NIV: These searched for their family records, but they could not find them and so were excluded from the priesthood as unclean.

ESV: These sought their registration among those enrolled in the genealogies, but they were not found there, and so they were excluded from the priesthood as unclean.

NRSV: These looked for their entries in the genealogical records, but they were not found there, and so they were excluded from the priesthood as unclean;

REB: When these searched for their names among those enrolled in the genealogies, they could not be traced, and so they were deemed disqualified and debarred from officiating.

NKJV: These sought their listing among those who were registered by genealogy, but they were not found; therefore they were excluded from the priesthood as defiled.

KJV: These sought their register [among] those that were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

AMP: These sought their names among those enrolled in the genealogies, but they were not found; so they were excluded from the priesthood as [ceremonially] unclean.

NLT: But they had lost their genealogical records, so they were not allowed to serve as priests.

GNB: (2:61)

ERV: These people searched for their family histories, but they could not find them. Their names were not included in the list of priests. They could not prove that their ancestors were priests, so they could not serve as priests.

BBE: They made search for their record among the lists of families, but their names were nowhere to be seen; so they were looked on as unclean and no longer priests.

MSG: They had thoroughly searched for their family records but couldn't find them. And so they were barred from priestly work as ritually unclean.

CEV: (2:61)

CEVUK: (2:61)

GWV: These people searched for their family names in the genealogical records, but their names couldn’t be found there. For this reason they were considered contaminated and couldn’t be priests.

NET [draft] ITL: They <0428> searched <01245> for their records <03791> in the genealogical materials <03187>, but did not <03808> find <04672> them. They were therefore excluded <01351> from <04480> the priesthood <03550>.

 <<  Ezra 2 : 62 >> 

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