1Now <2532> when <3753> they approached <1448> Jerusalem <2414> and <2532> came <2064> to <1519> Bethphage <967>, at <1519> the Mount <3735> of Olives <1636>, Jesus <2424> sent <649> two <1417> disciples <3101>,
2telling <3004> them <846>, “Go <4198> to <1519> the village <2968> ahead <2713> of you <5216>. Right away <2112> you will find <2147> a donkey <3688> tied <1210> there, and <2532> a colt <4454> with <3326> her <846>. Untie <3089> them and bring <71> them to me <3427>.
3If <1437> anyone <5100> says <2036> anything to you <5213>, you are to say <2046>, ‘The Lord <2962> needs <5532> them <846>,’ and <1161> he will send <649> them <846> at once <2117>.”
4This <5124> took place <1096> to <2443> fulfill <4137> what was spoken <4483> <3004> by <1223> the prophet <4396>:
5“Tell <2036> the people <2364> of Zion <4622>, ‘Look <2400>, your <4675> king <935> is coming <2064> to you <4671>, unassuming <4239> and <2532> seated <1910> on <1909> a donkey <3688>, and <2532> on <1909> a colt <4454>, the foal of <5207> a donkey <5268>.’”
6So <1161> the disciples <3101> went <4198> and <2532> did <4160> as <2531> Jesus <2424> had instructed <4929> them <846>.
7They brought <71> the donkey <3688> and <2532> the colt <4454> and <2532> placed <2007> their cloaks <2440> on <1909> them <846>, and <2532> he sat <1940> on <1883> them <846>.
8A very large <4118> crowd <3793> spread <4766> their <1438> cloaks <2440> on <1722> the road <3598>. Others <243> cut <2875> branches <2798> from <575> the trees <1186> and <2532> spread <4766> them on <1722> the road <3598>.
9The crowds <3793> that went ahead <4254> of him <846> and <2532> those following <190> kept shouting <2896> <3004>, “Hosanna <5614> to the Son <5207> of David <1138>! Blessed <2127> is the one who comes <2064> in <1722> the name <3686> of the Lord <2962>! Hosanna <5614> in <1722> the highest <5310>!”
10As he <846> entered <1525> <1519> Jerusalem <2414> the whole <3956> city <4172> was thrown into an uproar <4579>, saying <3004>, “Who <5101> is <1510> this <3778>?”
11And <1161> the crowds <3793> were saying <3004>, “This <3778> is <1510> the prophet <4396> Jesus <2424>, from <575> Nazareth <3478> in Galilee <1056>.”
12Then <2532> Jesus <2424> entered <1525> <1519> the temple area <2411> and <2532> drove out <1544> all <3956> those who were selling <4453> and <2532> buying <59> in <1722> the temple courts <2411>, and <2532> turned over <2690> the tables <5132> of the money changers <2855> and <2532> the chairs <2515> of those selling <4453> doves <4058>.
13And <2532> he said <3004> to them <846>, “It is written <1125>, ‘My <3450> house <3624> will be called <2564> a house <3624> of prayer <4335>,’ but <1161> you <5210> are turning <4160> it <846> into <4160> a den <4693> of robbers <3027>!”
14The blind <5185> and <2532> lame <5560> came <4334> to him <846> in <1722> the temple courts <2411>, and <2532> he healed <2323> them <846>.
15But <1161> when the chief priests <749> and <2532> the experts in the law <1122> saw <1492> the wonderful <2297> things <3739> he did <4160> and <2532> heard the children <3816> crying out <2896> in <1722> the temple courts <2411>, “Hosanna <5614> to the Son <5207> of David <1138>,” they became indignant <23>
16and <2532> said <3004> to him <846>, “Do you hear <191> what <5101> they <3778> are saying <3004>?” Jesus <2424> said <3004> to them <846>, “Yes <3483>. Have you <314> never <3763> read, ‘Out <314> of <1537> the mouths <4750> of children <3516> and <2532> nursing infants <2337> you have prepared <2675> praise <136> for yourself’?”
17And <2532> leaving <2641> them <846>, he went out <1831> <1854> of the city <4172> to <1519> Bethany <963> and <2532> spent the night <835> there <1563>.
18Now <1161> early in the morning <4404>, as <1877> he returned <1877> to <1519> the city <4172>, he was hungry <3983>.
19After noticing <1492> a <1520> fig tree <4808> by <1909> the road <3598> he went <2064> to <1909> it <846>, but <2532> found <2147> nothing <3762> on <1722> it <846> except <1487> leaves <5444>. He <2532> said <3004> to it <846>, “Never again <3371> <1519> <165> will there be <1096> fruit <2590> from <1537> you <4675>!” And <2532> the fig tree <4808> withered <3583> at once <3916>.
20When <2532> the disciples <3101> saw <1492> it they were amazed <2296>, saying <3004>, “How <4459> did <3583> the fig tree <4808> wither <3583> so quickly <3916>?”
21Jesus <2424> answered <611> <2036> them <846>, “I tell <3004> you <5213> the truth <281>, if <1437> you have <2192> faith <4102> and <2532> do <1252> not <3361> doubt <1252>, not <3756> only <3440> will you do <4160> what was done <4160> to the fig tree <4808>, but <235> even if <2579> you say <2036> to this <5129> mountain <3735>, ‘Be lifted up <142> and <2532> thrown <906> into <1519> the sea <2281>,’ it will happen <1096>.
22And <2532> whatever <3956> <3745> you ask <154> in <1722> prayer <4335>, if you believe <4100>, you will receive <2983>.”
23Now <2532> after <2064> Jesus <846> entered <2064> the temple courts <2411>, the chief priests <749> and <2532> elders <4245> of the people <2992> came up <4334> to him <846> as he was teaching <1321> and said <3004>, “By <1722> what <4169> authority <1849> are you doing <4160> these things <5023>, and <2532> who <5101> gave <1325> you <4671> this <3778> authority <1849>?”
24Jesus <2424> answered <611> <2036> them <846>, “I <2504> will <2065> also <2504> ask <2065> you <5209> one <1520> question <3056>. If <1437> you answer <2036> me <3427> then I <2504> will <2046> also <2504> tell <2046> you <5213> by <1722> what <4169> authority <1849> I do <4160> these things <5023>.
25Where <4159> did <1510> John’s <2491> baptism <908> come from? From <1537> heaven <3772> or <2228> from <1537> people <444>?” They discussed <1260> this among <1722> themselves <1438>, saying <3004>, “If <1437> we say <2036>, ‘From <1537> heaven <3772>,’ he will say <2046>, ‘Then <3767> why <5101> did you <4100> not <3756> believe <4100> him <846>?’
26But <1161> if <1437> we say <2036>, ‘From <1537> people <444>,’ we fear <5399> the crowd <3793>, for <1063> they all <3956> consider <5613> John <2491> to be <2192> a prophet <4396>.”
27So <2532> they answered <611> Jesus <2424>, “We <1492> don’t <3756> know <1492>.” Then he said <5346> to them <846>, “Neither <3761> will <3004> I <1473> tell <3004> you <5213> by <1722> what <4169> authority <1849> I am doing <4160> these things <5023>.
28“What <5101> do <1380> you <5213> think <1380>? A man <444> had <2192> two <1417> sons <5043>. He went <4334> to the first <4413> and said <2036>, ‘Son <5043>, go <5217> and work <2038> in <1722> the vineyard <290> today <4594>.’
29The boy answered <611> <2036>, ‘I <1473> will not <3756>.’ But later he had a change of heart and <2532> went <565>.
30The father went <4334> to the other son <1208> and said <2036> the same thing <5615>. This boy answered <611> <2036>, ‘I will <2309>, sir,’ but did <565> not <3756> go <565>.
31Which <5101> of <1537> the two <1417> did <4160> his father’s <3962> will <2307>?” They said <3004>, “The first <5306>.” Jesus <2424> said <3004> to them <846>, “I tell <3004> you <5213> the truth <281>, tax collectors <5057> and <2532> prostitutes <4204> will go ahead <4254> of you <5209> into <1519> the kingdom <932> of God <2316>!
32For <1063> John <2491> came <2064> to <4314> you <5209> in <1722> the way <3598> of righteousness <1343>, and <2532> you did <4100> not <3756> believe <4100> him <846>. But <1161> the tax collectors <5057> and <2532> prostitutes <4204> did believe <4100>. Although you <5210> saw <1492> this, you did <3338> not <3761> later <5305> change <3338> your minds <3338> and believe <4100> him <846>.
33“Listen <191> to another <243> parable <3850>: There <444> was <1510> a landowner <3617> who <3748> planted <5452> a vineyard <290>. He <2532> put <4060> a fence around <5418> it <846>, dug <3736> a pit for its winepress <3025>, and <2532> built <3618> a watchtower <4444>. Then <2532> he leased <1554> it <846> to tenant farmers <1092> and <2532> went on a journey <589>.
34When <3753> the harvest <2590> time <2540> was near <1448>, he sent <649> his <846> slaves <1401> to <4314> the tenants <1092> to collect <2983> his <846> portion of the crop <2590>.
35But <2532> the tenants <1092> seized <2983> his <846> slaves <1401>, beat <1194> one, killed <615> another, and stoned <3036> another.
36Again <3825> he sent <649> other <243> slaves <1401>, more than <4119> the first <4413>, and <2532> they treated <4160> them <846> the same way <5615>.
37Finally <5305> he sent <649> his <846> son <5207> to them <846>, saying <3004>, ‘They will respect <1788> my <3450> son <5207>.’
38But <1161> when <1492> the tenants <1092> saw <1492> the son <5207>, they said <2036> to <1722> themselves <1438>, ‘This <3778> is <1510> the heir <2818>. Come <1205>, let’s kill <615> him <846> and <2532> get <2192> his <846> inheritance <2817>!’
39So <2532> they seized <2983> him <846>, threw <1544> him out <1854> of the vineyard <290>, and <2532> killed <615> him.
40Now <3767> when <3752> the owner <2962> of the vineyard <290> comes <2064>, what <5101> will he do <4160> to those <1565> tenants <1092>?”
41They said <3004> to him <846>, “He will <622> utterly <2560> destroy <622> those evil men <2556>! Then he will lease <1554> the vineyard <290> to other <243> tenants <1092> who <3748> will give <591> him <846> his <846> portion <2590> at <1722> the harvest <2540>.”
42Jesus <2424> said <3004> to them <846>, “Have you <314> never <3763> read <314> in <1722> the scriptures <1124>: ‘The stone <3037> the builders <3618> rejected <593> has become <1096> the cornerstone <1137>. This <3778> is from <3844> the Lord <2962>, and <2532> it is <1510> marvelous <2298> in <1722> our <2257> eyes <3788>’?
43For <1223> this <5124> reason I tell <3004> you <5213> that <3754> the kingdom <932> of God <2316> will be taken <142> from <575> you <5216> and <2532> given <1325> to a people <1484> who will produce <4160> its <846> fruit <2590>.
44The one who falls <4098> on <1909> this <5126> stone <3037> will be broken to pieces <4917>, and the one on <1909> whom <3739> it falls <4098> will be crushed <3039>.”
45When <2532> the chief priests <749> and <2532> the Pharisees <5330> heard <191> his <846> parables <3850>, they realized <1097> that <3754> he was speaking <3004> about <4012> them <846>.
46They wanted <2212> to arrest <2902> him <846>, but they were afraid <5399> of the crowds <3793>, because <1893> the crowds regarded <2192> him <846> as <1519> a prophet <4396>.
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