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 <<  Mazmur 73 : 3 >> 

NRSV: For I was envious of the arrogant; I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

AYT: Sebab, aku iri terhadap orang sombong, ketika aku melihat kemakmuran orang fasik.

TB: Sebab aku cemburu kepada pembual-pembual, kalau aku melihat kemujuran orang-orang fasik.

TL: Karena dengkilah aku akan orang bodoh tatkala kulihat sentosa orang jahat.

MILT: Sebab aku cemburu terhadap orang yang sombong, aku melihat kemakmuran orang fasik.

Shellabear 2010: karena aku dengki melihat orang yang sombong, ketika kulihat kesejahteraan orang fasik.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): karena aku dengki melihat orang yang sombong, ketika kulihat kesejahteraan orang fasik.

KSZI: Kerana aku iri hati kepada mereka yang bermegah apabila kulihat kemewahan orang zalim.

KSKK: sebab aku iri had kepada orang yang angkuh, apabila melihat mereka beruntung dalam kejahatannya.

VMD: Aku melihat bahwa orang jahat berhasil, dan aku cemburu terhadap orang sombong.

BIS: sebab aku cemburu kepada orang congkak, ketika aku melihat keberuntungan orang jahat.

TMV: kerana aku cemburu terhadap orang sombong, ketika aku melihat orang jahat menjadi makmur.

FAYH: Karena aku iri hati terhadap kemakmuran orang-orang yang sombong dan jahat.

ENDE: Sebab aku tjemburu akan kaum jang membuta, melihat kemudjuran orang2 pendjahat.

Shellabear 1912: Karena dengkilah aku akan orang sombong, tatkala kulihat orang jahat beruntung.

Leydekker Draft: Karana sudah kudangkej 'akan 'awrang sarsar: mana kulihat damej 'awrang fasikh.

AVB: Kerana aku iri hati kepada mereka yang bermegah apabila kulihat kemewahan orang zalim.

TB ITL: Sebab <03588> aku cemburu <07065> kepada pembual-pembual <01984>, kalau aku melihat <07200> kemujuran <07965> orang-orang fasik <07563>.

Jawa: Amarga panas atiku marang para wong kang gumunggung, manawa aku meruhi kabegjane wong duraka.

Jawa 1994: Sebab aku mèri karo wong sing gemedhé, lan panas atiku nalika weruh kabegjané wong ala.

Sunda: lantaran kaula teh panas ka nu karumaki, dumeh nu daroraka teh sararenang hirupna.

Madura: sabab sengko’ arassa tamburuwan ka oreng se angga’, e bakto sengko’ nangale oreng jahat se nyaman odhi’na.

Bali: Santukan titiang sampun iri ati ring jadmane sane sumbung, rikala titiang manggihin jadmane sane dursila sami pada sida karya.

Bugis: saba’ mangémpuruka lao ri tau matempoé, wettunna uwita amaupekenna tau majaé.

Makasar: saba’ angngiri mata’ mae ri tau tampoa, ri wattunna kucini’ kaupakkanna tau ja’dalaka.

Toraja: Belanna ungkemburuna’ to matampo, tongku tiroi tu upa’na to tang mekaaluk.

Karo: Perbahan mengga ateku kempak kalak megombang, tupung kuidah kesangapen kalak jahat.

Simalungun: Ai simburu do uhur hubani sigijang uhur, mangidah marhasonangan halak parjahat.

Toba: Ai mangiburu do rohangku mida angka na jungkat roha, dung huida hasonangan ni angka parjahat.

NETBible: For I envied those who are proud, as I observed the prosperity of the wicked.

NASB: For I was envious of the arrogant As I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

HCSB: For I envied the arrogant; I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

LEB: because I was envious of arrogant people when I saw the prosperity that wicked people enjoy.

NIV: For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

ESV: For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

REB: because boasters roused my envy when I saw how the wicked prosper.

NKJV: For I was envious of the boastful, When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

KJV: For I was envious at the foolish, [when] I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

AMP: For I was envious of the foolish {and} arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

NLT: For I envied the proud when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness.

GNB: because I was jealous of the proud when I saw that things go well for the wicked.

ERV: I saw that wicked people were successful, and I became jealous of those proud people.

BBE: Because of my envy of the men of pride, when I saw the well-being of the wrongdoers.

MSG: I was looking the other way, looking up to the people

CEV: because it made me jealous to see proud and evil people and to watch them prosper.

CEVUK: because it made me jealous to see proud and evil people and to watch them prosper.

GWV: because I was envious of arrogant people when I saw the prosperity that wicked people enjoy.

NET [draft] ITL: For <03588> I envied <07065> those who are proud <01984>, as I observed <07200> the prosperity <07965> of the wicked <07563>.

 <<  Mazmur 73 : 3 >> 

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