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 <<  Yosua 13 : 3 >> 

Shellabear 2010: mulai dari Sikhor di sebelah timur Mesir sampai ke perbatasan Ekron di sebelah utara -- semua itu termasuk negeri orang Kanaan (ada lima raja kota orang Filistin, yaitu di Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat, dan Ekron); negeri orang Awi

AYT: Dari Sungai Sikhor, di sebelah timur Mesir sampai ke perbatasan Ekron di sebelah utara, yang terhitung wilayah orang Kanaan -- ada lima raja kota orang Filistin, yaitu di Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat, dan Ekron -- dan orang-orang Awi

TB: mulai dari sungai Sikhor di sebelah timur Mesir sampai ke daerah Ekron ke arah utara--semuanya itu terhitung tanah orang Kanaan--;ada lima raja kota orang Filistin, yakni di Gaza, di Asdod, di Askelon, di Gat dan di Ekron--;dan orang Awi

TL: Dari Sikhor yang pada sebelah Mesir sampai kepada perhinggaan Ekeron arah ke utara semuanya hendaklah dibilang Kanani, kelima kerajaan orang Filistin, yaitu Gaza dan Asdod dan Askelon dan Gat dan Ekeron, dan lagi segala orang Awi.

MILT: Mulai dari Shihor yang ada di depan Mesir dan sampai ke perbatasan Ekron sebelah utara, itu diperhitungkan sebagai milik orang Kanaan; kelima rajakota orang-orang Filistin yaitu Gaza dan Asdod, Askelon, Gat dan Ekron, juga orang-orang Awi

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): mulai dari Sikhor di sebelah timur Mesir sampai ke perbatasan Ekron di sebelah utara -- semua itu termasuk negeri orang Kanaan (ada lima raja kota orang Filistin, yaitu di Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat, dan Ekron); negeri orang Awi

KSKK: Tanah yang terbentang dari sungai Sikhor di sebelah timur Mesir sampai ke perbatasan Ekron di utara, yang dianggap sebagai tanah orang Kanaan. Juga ada lima raja kota orang Filistin: Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gad dan Ekron, dan orang Awi di selatan.

VMD: Engkau belum merebut daerah dari Sungai Sihor di Mesir ke batas Ekron dan negeri terus ke utara. Tanah itu masih milik orang Kanaan. Engkau masih harus mengalahkan kelima pemimpin Filistin di Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat, dan Ekron. Engkau juga harus mengalahkan orang Awi

TSI: mulai dari sungai Sikor di sebelah timur Mesir sampai ke perbatasan kota Ekron di sebelah utara, yang dianggap wilayah orang Kanaan. Kelima raja orang Filistin dari kota Gaza, kota Asdod, kota Askelon, kota Gat, dan kota Ekron masih menguasai daerah itu. Kalian juga masih belum merebut wilayah orang Awi

BIS: dan seluruh wilayah Awi ke arah selatan. (Daerah dari Sungai Sikhor di perbatasan Mesir sampai ke perbatasan Ekron di sebelah utara, seluruhnya itu terhitung daerah bangsa Kanaan; dan raja-raja Filistin tinggal di Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat dan Ekron.)

TMV: dan juga seluruh wilayah Awi ke arah selatan. (Tanah dari Sungai Sikhor di sempadan Mesir, sampai ke sempadan Ekron di utara, dianggap sebagai tanah orang Kanaan; raja-raja orang Filistin tinggal di Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat, dan Ekron.)

FAYH: (13-2)

ENDE: mulai dari terusan disebelah timur Mesir sampai kedjadjahan 'Ekron disebelah utara, jang dianggap termasuk negeri Kena'an; (Kelima wali Felesjet, jakni dari 'Aza, Asjdod, Asjkalon, Gat, 'Ekron; orang2 'Awi.

Shellabear 1912: dari Sikhor yang bertentangan dengan Mesir hingga sampai ke sempadan Ekron arah ke utara yang dibilangkan tanah orang Kanaan kelima penghulu orang Filistin yaitu orang Gazah dan orang Asdod dan orang Askelon dan orang Gat dan orang Ekron

Leydekker Draft: Deri pada Sihawr, jang dimuka pada Mitsir 'itu, maka sampej kapada tepij tanah Xekhrawn pada sabelah 'awtara, 'itu debilang 'ada tertantu pada 'awrang Kanszanij: lima Panglima 'awrang Filistin, 'awrang Xazatij, dan 'Asjdawdij, 'Esjkhelawnij, DJitij, dan Xekhrawnij 'itu, lagi segala 'awrang Xawij 'itu.

AVB: mulai Sungai Sikhor di sebelah timur Mesir sampai ke sempadan Ekron di sebelah utara – semua itu termasuk negeri bani Kanaan yang dimiliki oleh lima orang raja orang Filistin, iaitu di Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat, dan Ekron – serta negeri bani Awi

TB ITL: mulai <04480> dari sungai Sikhor <07883> di <0834> sebelah <05921> timur <06440> Mesir <04714> sampai <05704> ke daerah <01366> Ekron <06138> ke arah utara <06828> -- semuanya itu terhitung <02803> tanah orang Kanaan <03669> --; ada lima <02568> raja kota <05633> orang Filistin <06430>, yakni di Gaza <05841>, di Asdod <0796>, di Askelon <0832>, di Gat <01663> dan di Ekron <06139> --; dan orang Awi <05757>

Jawa: wiwit saka kali Sikhor ing sawetane tanah Mesir tutug ing tlatah Ekron mangalor, -- iku kaetung tanahe wong Kanaan; -- panggedhene wong Filisti iku lima, yaiku ing Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gad lan Ekron, -- apadene bangsa Awi

Jawa 1994: wilayah Awi kabèh sapengidul. (Daérah saka Kali Sihor, tapel watesé tanah Mesir mengalor tekan watesé Ékron; kabèh mau klebu daérahé bangsa Kenaan; lan raja-raja Filistia sing manggon ing Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat lan Ékron.)

Sunda: kitu deui sakuliah tanah Awim ka kidul. (Ieu tanah ti semet Walungan Sihor anu ngawates ka tanah Mesir, terus ka kaler nepi ka wates tanah Ekron anu kaitung ka tanah Kanaan; ari raja-raja urang Pelisti maratuhna di Gasa, Asdod, Askelon, Gat jeung Ekron.)

Madura: ban sakabbinna bagiyanna dhaerana Awi ka lao’. (Dhaera dhari Songay Sikhor e batessa Messer sampe’ ka batessa Ekron e bagiyan dhaja, jareya kabbi kaetong dhaerana bangsa Kana’an; to-rato Filistin ngennengnge Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat ban Ekron.)

Bali: Keto masih wewengkon gumin wong Awine ane bedelod (gumine ento ngawit uli Tukad Sikore ane di wates gumi Mesire, ngajanang kanti teked di wates wewengkon gumi Ekrone, ento makejang dadi wewengkon wong Kanaan. Muah pararatun wong Pilistine ane madeg ratu di kota-kota Gasa, Asdod, Askelon, Gat muah Ekron.)

Bugis: sibawa sininna daéra Awi liyattang. (Daéra polé ri Salo Sikhor ri pakkasésénna Maséré lettu ri pakkasésénna Ekron ri seddé manorang, iya manennaro muttama’i ri daérana bangsa Kanaangngé; sibawa sining arung Filistingngé monroi ri Gaza, Asdod, Askélon, Gat sibawa Ekron.)

Makasar: kammayatompa sikontu daera Awi a’lampa timboro’. (Daera battu ri Binanga Sikhor ri pa’baeng-baenna Mesir sa’genna mange ri pa’baeng-baenna Ekron ri bageang wara’, yangasenna anjo antamaki daerana bansa Kanaan; siagang karaeng-karaenna tu Filistin ammantangi ri Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat siagang Ekron.)

Toraja: randuk dio mai Sikhor dio rampe matallona Mesir sae lako lili’na Ekron ma’palurekkena – padang iate dipasangbilangan padang to Kanaan –; iatu lima arung to Filistin, iamotu arungna Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gat sia Ekron, sia to Awi,

Karo: bage pe kerina daerah Apim kempak Selatan. (Taneh si i bas Lau Sihor nari, i perbalengen Mesir, seh ku Utara ku perbalengen Ekron ianggap taneh kalak Kanaan; raja-raja kalak Pilisti ringan i Gasa, Asdot, Askelon, Gat, ras Ekron.)

Simalungun: hun bah Sihor nari, na i hapoltakan ni Masir, das hu parbalogan ni Ekron na hampit utara -- masuk hubani halak Kanaan do hiraon ai --, na lima raja ni halak Palistim ai ma raja hun Gaza, Asdod, Askalon, Gad pakon na hun Ekron; ambah ni ai halak Awi,

Toba: Olat ni Sihor na mardalan di Misir sahat ro di parbalohan Ekron tungkan utara, na masuk etongan tu halak Kanaan: Na lima raja ni halak Palistim, raja sian Gaza, Asdod, Askelon, Gad dohot sian Ekron, ro di halak Awi.

NETBible: from the Shihor River east of Egypt northward to the territory of Ekron (it is regarded as Canaanite territory), including the area belonging to the five Philistine lords who ruled in Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron, as well as Avvite land

NASB: from the Shihor which is east of Egypt, even as far as the border of Ekron to the north (it is counted as Canaanite); the five lords of the Philistines: the Gazite, the Ashdodite, the Ashkelonite, the Gittite, the Ekronite; and the Avvite

HCSB: from the Shihor east of Egypt to the border of Ekron on the north (considered to be Canaanite territory)--the five Philistine rulers of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron, as well as the Avvites

LEB: It extends from the Shihor River, east of Egypt, northward as far as the border of Ekron. This is considered to be Canaanite territory, even though there are five Philistine rulers over Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron, as well as the Avvim people

NIV: from the Shihor River on the east of Egypt to the territory of Ekron on the north, all of it counted as Canaanite (the territory of the five Philistine rulers in Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath and Ekron—that of the Avvites);

ESV: (from the Shihor, which is east of Egypt, northward to the boundary of Ekron, it is counted as Canaanite; there are five rulers of the Philistines, those of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron), and those of the Avvim,

NRSV: (from the Shihor, which is east of Egypt, northward to the boundary of Ekron, it is reckoned as Canaanite; there are five rulers of the Philistines, those of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron), and those of the Avvim,

REB: (this is reckoned as Canaanite territory from Shihor to the east of Egypt as far north as Ekron; and it belongs to the five lords of the Philistines, those of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron); all the districts of the Avvim

NKJV: "from Sihor, which is east of Egypt, as far as the border of Ekron northward ( which is counted as Canaanite); the five lords of the Philistines––the Gazites, the Ashdodites, the Ashkelonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the Avites;

KJV: From Sihor, which [is] before Egypt, even unto the borders of Ekron northward, [which] is counted to the Canaanite: five lords of the Philistines; the Gazathites, and the Ashdothites, the Eshkalonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites; also the Avites:

AMP: From the Shihor [River] which is east of Egypt, northward to the boundary of Ekron, all of it counted as Canaanite; there are five rulers of the Philistines, those of Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron, and those of the Avvites;

NLT: territory that belongs to the Canaanites. This land extends from the stream of Shihor, which is on the boundary of Egypt, northward to the boundary of Ekron,

GNB: as well as all the territory of the Avvim to the south. (The land from the stream Shihor, at the Egyptian border, as far north as the border of Ekron was considered Canaanite; the kings of the Philistines lived at Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron.)

ERV: You have not yet taken the area from the Shihor River at Egypt to the border of Ekron and the land further north. That land still belongs to the Canaanites. You must still defeat the five Philistine leaders at Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron. You must also defeat the Avvites

BBE: From the Shihor, which is before Egypt, to the edge of Ekron to the north, which is taken to be Canaanite property: the five chiefs of the Philistines; the Gazites, and the Ashdodites, the Ashkelonites, the Gittites, and the Ekronites, as well as the Avvim;

MSG: the land from the Shihor River east of Egypt to the border of Ekron up north, Canaanite country (there were five Philistine tyrants--in Gaza, in Ashdod, in Ashkelon, in Gath, in Ekron); also the Avvim

CEV: (13:2)

CEVUK: (13:2)

GWV: It extends from the Shihor River, east of Egypt, northward as far as the border of Ekron. This is considered to be Canaanite territory, even though there are five Philistine rulers over Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron, as well as the Avvim people

NET [draft] ITL: from <04480> the Shihor River <07883> east <06440> <05921> of Egypt <04714> northward <06828> to the territory <01366> of Ekron <06138> (it is regarded as <02803> Canaanite <03669> territory), including the area belonging to the five <02568> Philistine <06430> lords <05633> who ruled in Gaza <05841>, Ashdod <0796>, Ashkelon <0832>, Gath <01663>, and Ekron <06139>, as well as Avvite <05757> land

 <<  Yosua 13 : 3 >> 

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