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[VER] : [SIMALUNGUN]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Yehezkiel 47 : 13 >> 

Simalungun: Sonon do hata ni Tuhan Jahowa, “On ma parbalogan sibahenonnima laho marbagi tanoh ai bahen parbagianan bani halak Israel sisapuluh dua marga ai. Bani si Josep dua bagian.

AYT: Demikian firman Tuhan ALLAH, “Ini akan menjadi perbatasan yang darinya kamu akan membagi tanah sebagai milik pusaka di antara kedua belas suku Israel. Yusuf akan mendapatkan dua bagian.

TB: Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH: "Inilah batas-batas tanah yang kamu harus bagi-bagi menjadi milik pusakamu di antara kedua belas suku Israel. Yusuf mendapat dua bagian.

TL: Demikianlah firman Tuhan Hua: Inilah perhinggaan tanah keliling, yang akan kamu bahagi-bahagi kepada kedua belas suku bangsa Israel; kepada Yusuf dua bahagian.

MILT: Beginilah Tuhan (Tuhan - 0136) ALLAH (YAHWEH - 03069) berfirman, "Inilah batas yang akan kamu miliki di negeri itu menurut kedua belas suku Israel: Yusuf akan memperoleh dua bagian.

Shellabear 2010: Beginilah firman ALLAH Taala, “Inilah batas-batas dari tanah yang harus kamu bagikan menjadi milik pusaka kepada kedua belas suku Israil. Yusuf mendapat dua bagian.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Beginilah firman ALLAH Taala, "Inilah batas-batas dari tanah yang harus kamu bagikan menjadi milik pusaka kepada kedua belas suku Israil. Yusuf mendapat dua bagian.

KSKK: Inilah sabda Yahweh Tuhan: Inilah batas-batas tanah yang harus dibagi-bagi untuk kedua belas suku Israel, sedang Yusuf mendapat dua bagian.

VMD: Inilah yang dikatakan Tuhan ALLAH: “Inilah batas-batas untuk membagi tanah di antara 12 suku Israel. Yusuf akan memperoleh dua bagian.

BIS: TUHAN Yang Mahatinggi berkata, "Inilah batas-batas tanah yang akan dibagi-bagikan kepada keduabelas suku Israel. Suku Yusuf menerima dua bagian.

TMV: TUHAN Raja berfirman, "Yang berikut ialah sempadan tanah yang akan dibahagikan kepada dua belas suku Israel. Suku Yusuf harus mendapat dua bahagian.

FAYH: Tuhan ALLAH berfirman, "Inilah petunjuk untuk pembagian tanah pusaka di antara kedua belas suku Israel: Suku Yusuf harus diberi dua bagian, yaitu untuk suku Efraim dan suku Manasye.

ENDE: Demikianlah Tuhan Jahwe berkata: "Lihatlah batasan daerah jang harus kamu bagikan akan warisan bagi keduabelas suku Israil: Jusuf ada dua bagiannja.

Shellabear 1912: Maka demikianlah firman Tuhanku Allah: "Bahwa inilah sempadan tanah yang akan kamu bagikan menjadi pusaka kepada kedua belas suku bani Israel kepada Yusuf dua bagian.

Leydekker Draft: Demikijen baferman maka besar Tuhan Huwa; 'inilah tepij tanah, sakira-kira jang mana kamu 'akan meng`ambil tanah 'itu 'akan pusaka, sabilang-bilang duwa belas hulubangsa 'awrang Jisra`ejl: bagi Jusof kalang duwa sipat.

AVB: Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH, ‘Inilah batas sempadan dari tanah yang harus kamu bahagikan supaya menjadi harta pusaka kepada dua belas suku Israel. Yusuf mendapat dua bahagian.

AYT ITL: Demikian <03541> firman <0559> Tuhan <0136> ALLAH <03069>, “Ini <01454> akan menjadi perbatasan <01366> yang <0834> darinya kamu akan membagi <05157> <0> tanah <0776> sebagai milik pusaka <0> <05157> di antara kedua <08147> belas <06240> suku <07626> Israel <03478>. Yusuf <03130> akan mendapatkan dua bagian <02256>. [<0853>]

TB ITL: Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> Tuhan <0136> ALLAH <03069>: "Inilah <01454> batas-batas <01366> tanah <0776> yang <0834> kamu harus bagi-bagi menjadi milik pusakamu <05157> di antara kedua <08147> belas <06240> suku <07626> Israel <03478>. Yusuf <03130> mendapat dua bagian <02256>.

TL ITL: Demikianlah <03541> firman <0559> Tuhan <0136> Hua <03069>: Inilah <01454> perhinggaan <01366> tanah <0776> keliling, yang <0834> akan kamu bahagi-bahagi <05157> kepada kedua <08147> belas <06240> suku <07626> bangsa Israel <03478>; kepada Yusuf <03130> dua bahagian <02256>.

AVB ITL: Beginilah <03541> firman <0559> Tuhan <0136> ALLAH <03069>, ‘Inilah <01454> batas sempadan <01366> dari tanah <0776> yang harus kamu bahagikan supaya menjadi harta pusaka <05157> kepada dua <08147> belas <06240> suku <07626> Israel <03478>. Yusuf <03130> mendapat dua bahagian <02256>. [<0834> <0853>]

HEBREW: <02256> Mylbx <03130> Powy <03478> larvy <07626> yjbs <06240> rve <08147> ynsl <0776> Urah <0853> ta <05157> wlxntt <0834> rsa <01366> lwbg <01454> hg <03069> hwhy <0136> ynda <0559> rma <03541> hk (47:13)

Jawa: Mangkene pangandikane Pangeran Yehuwah: “Iki wates-watese tanah kang kudu sira bage-bage dadi tanah-pusakanira ing antarane suku Israel rolas, Yusuf tampa rong bagean.

Jawa 1994: Pangéran Kang Mahakwasa ngandika mengkéné, "Iki watesé tanah-tanah sing kudu kokedum ing antarané para taler rolas. Taleré Yusuf wènèhana rong panduman.

Sunda: (47:13-14) PANGERAN Nu Maha Agung nimbalan, "Kami baheula geus ikrar kalawan sumpah ka karuhun maneh rek mikeun ieu tanah. Ku sabab kitu ayeuna bakal dipimilik ku anak incuna. Heug bagikeun sadulur-dulur ka dua welas kaom masing sarua. Ngan kaom Yusup kudu meunang dua bagian. Wawatesan ieu tanah nya eta:

Madura: GUSTE Allah Se Mahatenggi adhabu, "Reya’ tes-batessa tana se egi-bagiya ka dhubellas suku Isra’il. Suku Yusup narema dhu bagiyan.

Bali: Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa Sane Maha Luur ngandika sapuniki: “Ene bates-bates tanahe ane patut kadum baan suku bangsane makaroras, tur suku Yusupe maan duang duman.

Bugis: Makkedai PUWANG Iya Pommatanré, "Iyanaé sining pakkasésénna tana iya ritawa-tawaé matu lao ri iya seppulo duwa sukunna Israélié. Suku Yusuf tarimai duwa bagiyang.

Makasar: Nakana Batara Kaminang Tinggia, "Iaminne pa’baeng-baenna butta lanibage-bagea mae ri sampuloa anrua suku Israel. Suku Yusuf annarimai rua bageang.

Toraja: Inde sia tu kadanNa Puangta PUANG, Nakua: Iamote tu katonanna tondok tu lan lili’na minii untaa-taa mana’ lako sangpulo dua suku to Israel; na iatu Yusuf duang taan napotaa.

Karo: Nina TUHAN si Erdolat, "Enda me perbalengen taneh si man bagi-bagindu man suku-suku si sepuludua e, i je suku Jusup ngaloken dua bagin.

Toba: (II.) Songon on do hata ni Tuhan Jahowa: On do parbolatan ni tano sibagionmuna bahen partalian di na sampulu dua marga ni Israel: Di Josep dua bagian.

NETBible: This is what the sovereign Lord says: “Here are the borders you will observe as you allot the land to the twelve tribes of Israel. (Joseph will have two portions.)

NASB: Thus says the Lord GOD, "This shall be the boundary by which you shall divide the land for an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel; Joseph shall have two portions.

HCSB: This is what the Lord GOD says: "This is the border you will use to divide the land as an inheritance for the 12 tribes of Israel. Joseph will receive two shares.

LEB: This is what the Almighty LORD says: These are the borders of the land that is to be divided among the 12 tribes of Israel. Joseph gets two parts.

NIV: This is what the Sovereign LORD says: "These are the boundaries by which you are to divide the land for an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel, with two portions for Joseph.

ESV: Thus says the Lord GOD: "This is the boundary by which you shall divide the land for inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph shall have two portions.

NRSV: Thus says the Lord GOD: These are the boundaries by which you shall divide the land for inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph shall have two portions.

REB: “THE Lord GOD says: Here are the boundaries within which the twelve tribes of Israel will enter into possession of the land, Joseph receiving two portions.

NKJV: Thus says the Lord GOD: "These are the borders by which you shall divide the land as an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph shall have two portions.

KJV: Thus saith the Lord GOD; This [shall be] the border, whereby ye shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph [shall have two] portions.

AMP: Thus says the Lord God: These shall be the boundaries by which you shall divide the land among the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions.

NLT: This is what the Sovereign LORD says: "Follow these instructions for dividing the land for the twelve tribes of Israel: The tribe of Joseph will be given two shares of land.

GNB: The Sovereign LORD said, “These are the boundaries of the land that is to be divided among the twelve tribes, with the tribe of Joseph receiving two sections.

ERV: This is what the Lord GOD says: “These are the borders for dividing the land among the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph will have two parts.

BBE: This is what the Lord has said: These are the limits by which you will take up your heritage in the land among the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph is to have two parts.

MSG: A Message from GOD, the Master: "These are the boundaries by which you are to divide up the inheritance of the land for the twelve tribes of Israel, with Joseph getting two parcels.

CEV: The LORD God said to the people of Israel: When the land is divided among the twelve tribes of Israel, the Joseph tribe will receive two shares. Divide the land equally, because I promised your ancestors that this land would someday belong to their descendants. These are the borders of the land:

CEVUK: The Lord God said to the people of Israel: When the land is divided among the twelve tribes of Israel, the Joseph tribe will receive two shares. Divide the land equally, because I promised your ancestors that this land would some day belong to their descendants. These are the borders of the land:

GWV: This is what the Almighty LORD says: These are the borders of the land that is to be divided among the 12 tribes of Israel. Joseph gets two parts.

KJV: Thus saith <0559> (8804) the Lord <0136> GOD <03069>_; This <01454> [shall be] the border <01366>_, whereby ye shall inherit <05157> (8691) the land <0776> according to the twelve <08147> <06240> tribes <07626> of Israel <03478>_: Joseph <03130> [shall have two] portions <02256>_.

NASB: Thus<3541> says<559> the Lord<136> GOD<3068>, "This<2088> shall be the boundary<1366> by which<834> you shall divide<5157> the land<776> for an inheritance<5157> among the twelve<8147><6240> tribes<7626> of Israel<3478>; Joseph<3130> shall have two<8147> portions<2256>.

NET [draft] ITL: This is what <03541> the sovereign <0136> Lord <03069> says <0559>: “Here <01454> are the borders <01366> you will observe as you allot <05157> the land <0776> to the twelve <06240> tribes <07626> of Israel <03478>. (Joseph <03130> will have two <08147> portions <02256>.)

Studi lengkap, lihat: Alkitab SABDA.
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 <<  Yehezkiel 47 : 13 >> 

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