TL: Dan lagi kata Yusak kepada orang banyak itu: Bangkitlah kamu berdiri lalu berjalan keliling negeri dan hendaklah suatu pasukan orang pilihan berjalan di hadapan tabut Tuhan.
AYT: Lalu, ia berkata kepada bangsa itu, “Majulah, kelilingilah kota itu! Orang-orang bersenjata harus berjalan di depan Tabut TUHAN.”
TB: Dan kepada bangsa itu dikatakannya: "Majulah, kelilingilah kota itu, dan orang-orang bersenjata harus berjalan di depan tabut TUHAN."
MILT: Dan dia berkata kepada bangsa itu, "Majulah, kelilingilah kota itu, dan orang yang bersenjata harus berjalan di depan tabut TUHAN (YAHWEH - 03068)!"
Shellabear 2010: Lalu katanya kepada bangsa itu, “Majulah, kelilingilah kota itu. Orang-orang bersenjata harus berjalan di depan tabut perjanjian ALLAH.”
KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Lalu katanya kepada bangsa itu, "Majulah, kelilingilah kota itu. Orang-orang bersenjata harus berjalan di depan tabut perjanjian ALLAH."
KSKK: Kepada orang Israel Yosua berkata, "Kamu harus berbaris mengelilingi kota dan orang-orang bersenjata harus berjalan di depan Tabut Perjanjian".
VMD: Dan Yosua berkata kepada umat itu, “Maju sekarang! Kelilingilah kota itu. Para tentara yang bersenjata berjalan di depan Kotak Kudus TUHAN.”
TSI: Yosua juga berkata kepada pasukannya, “Majulah dan berjalanlah mengelilingi kota itu, dengan pasukan bersenjata berjalan di depan peti perjanjian.”
BIS: Lalu Yosua menyuruh tentaranya berbaris mengelilingi kota itu, didahului oleh barisan pengawal depan yang berjalan mendahului Peti Perjanjian TUHAN.
TMV: Kemudian Yosua memberikan arahan kepada askar-askarnya supaya berarak mengelilingi kota itu, didahului oleh barisan pengawal depan yang berjalan di hadapan Tabut Perjanjian TUHAN.
FAYH: (6-6)
ENDE: Kepada rakjat ia berkata: "Maralah dan kelilingilah kota itu! Jang berkelengkapan harus mara dihadapan peti Jahwe!"
Shellabear 1912: Maka katanya kepada kaum itu: "Berjalanlah kamu keliling negri itu dan hendaklah segala orang yang berlengkap itu berjalan di hadapan tabut Allah."
Leydekker Draft: Lagi berkatalah 'ija kapada khawm 'itu; melintaslah kamu, dan meng`ulilinglah negerij 'itu: dan sasa`awrang jang terlangkap dengan sindjata, bejar 'ija melintas kahadapan pitij Huwa.
AVB: Lalu katanya kepada bangsa itu, “Majulah, kelilingilah kota itu. Hendaklah kumpulan orang bersenjata berjalan di hadapan tabut TUHAN.”
AYT ITL: Lalu, ia berkata <0559> kepada <0413> bangsa <05971> itu, “Majulah, kelilingilah <05437> kota <05892> itu! Orang-orang bersenjata <02502> harus berjalan <05674> di depan <06440> Tabut <0727> TUHAN <03068>.” [<05674> <0853>]
TB ITL: Dan kepada <0413> bangsa <05971> itu dikatakannya <0559>: "Majulah <05674>, kelilingilah <05437> kota <05892> itu, dan orang-orang bersenjata <02502> harus berjalan <05674> di depan <06440> tabut <0727> TUHAN <03068>."
TL ITL: Dan lagi kata <0559> Yusak kepada <0413> orang banyak <05971> itu: Bangkitlah kamu berdiri lalu berjalan <05674> keliling <05437> negeri <05892> dan hendaklah suatu pasukan orang pilihan <02502> berjalan <05674> di hadapan <06440> tabut <0727> Tuhan <03068>.
AVB ITL: Lalu katanya <0559> kepada <0413> bangsa <05971> itu, “Majulah <05674>, kelilingilah <05437> kota <05892> itu. Hendaklah kumpulan orang bersenjata <02502> berjalan <05674> di hadapan <06440> tabut <0727> TUHAN <03068>.” [<0853>]
HEBREW: <03068> hwhy <0727> Nwra <06440> ynpl <05674> rbey <02502> Uwlxhw <05892> ryeh <0853> ta <05437> wbow <05674> wrbe <05971> Meh <0413> la <0559> *rmayw {wrmayw} (6:7)
Jawa: Nuli dhawuh marang wong kabeh: “Padha lumakua, kutha iki ubengana dene kang asikep gegaman padha lumakua ana ing ngarepe pethine Sang Yehuwah.”
Jawa 1994: Yosua banjur awèh aba supaya tentarané baris ngubengi kutha. Sing ngarep dhéwé barisan pengawal, banjur Pethining Prejanjiané Allah.
Sunda: Geus kitu anjeunna marentahkeun balad-balad geusan mimiti ngurilingan eta nagara, diaping ku barisan pangawal hareup anu laleumpangna hareupeun Peti Perjangjian PANGERAN.
Madura: Yusak pas makon tantarana alengleng e lowaranna kottha jareya, e budhiyanna barisan pangawal bagiyan adha’ se ajalan e adha’na Petthe Parjanjiyanna PANGERAN.
Bali: Sasampune punika dane raris mrentahang wadua balan danene mamargi ngilehin kotane punika, kasarengin antuk prajurit pangawal sane mamargi ring arepan Peti Prajanjian Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa.
Bugis: Nainappa nasuro Yosua tentarana mabbarisi mattulilingiwi kotaéro, ripoddiyoloi ri barisi pengawal ri yoloé iya joppaé poddiyoloi Petti Assijancinna PUWANGNGE.
Makasar: Nampa nasuro Yosua a’barrisi’ tantarana angkulilingi anjo kotaya, siagang nia’mo barisang pangawala’ ri dallekang a’jappaya ri dallekanna Patti ParjanjianNa Batara.
Toraja: Sia ma’kada tu Yosua lako to buda, nakua: Ke’de’komi mimale ullilingi kota na to ma’pa’buno la lumingka dio tingayo pattinNa PUANG.
Karo: Jenari isuruhna tenterana mulai erdalan i bas barisen engkeleweti kota e, alu pengawal-pengawal si ersenjata erdalan leben asa Peti Perpadanen TUHAN.
Simalungun: Anjaha nini ma dompak bangsa ai, “Laho ma nasiam, inggoti nasiam ma huta ai, anjaha suruh nasiam ma parsinjata mardalan i lobei ni poti ni Jahowa.”
Toba: Didok ma dohot tu bangso i: Laho ma hamu, jala haliangi hamu huta i, jala saparduan na marsinjata manguluhon poti ni Jahowa.
NETBible: And he told the army, “Move ahead and march around the city, with armed troops going ahead of the ark of the
NASB: Then he said to the people, "Go forward, and march around the city, and let the armed men go on before the ark of the LORD."
HCSB: He said to the people, "Move forward, march around the city, and have the armed troops go ahead of the ark of the LORD."
LEB: He told the troops, "March around the city. Let the armed men march ahead of the LORD’S ark."
NIV: And he ordered the people, "Advance! March around the city, with the armed guard going ahead of the ark of the LORD."
ESV: And he said to the people, "Go forward. March around the city and let the armed men pass on before the ark of the LORD."
NRSV: To the people he said, "Go forward and march around the city; have the armed men pass on before the ark of the LORD."
REB: Then he gave orders to the army: “Move on, march round the city, and let the men who have been drafted go in front of the Ark of the LORD.”
NKJV: And he said to the people, "Proceed, and march around the city, and let him who is armed advance before the ark of the LORD."
KJV: And he said unto the people, Pass on, and compass the city, and let him that is armed pass on before the ark of the LORD.
AMP: He said to the people, Go on! March around the enclosure, and let the armed men pass on before the ark of the Lord.
NLT: Then he gave orders to the people: "March around the city, and the armed men will lead the way in front of the Ark of the LORD."
GNB: Then he ordered the people to start marching around the city, with an advance guard going on ahead of the LORD's Covenant Box.
ERV: Then Joshua ordered the people, “Now go! March around the city. The soldiers with weapons will march in front of the Holy Box of the LORD.”
BBE: And he said to the people, Go forward, circling the town, and let the armed men go before the ark of the Lord.
MSG: Then he told the people, "Set out! March around the city. Have the armed guard march before the Chest of GOD."
CEV: Next, he gave the army their orders: "March slowly around Jericho. A few of you will go ahead of the chest to guard it, but most of you will follow it. Don't shout the battle cry or yell or even talk until the day I tell you to. Then let out a shout!" As soon as Joshua finished giving the orders, the army started marching. One group of soldiers led the way, with seven priests marching behind them and blowing trumpets. Then came the priests carrying the chest, followed by the rest of the soldiers.
CEVUK: Next, he gave the army their orders: “March slowly around Jericho. A few of you will go ahead of the chest to guard it, but most of you will follow it. Don't shout the battle cry or yell or even talk until the day I tell you to. Then let out a shout!” As soon as Joshua finished giving the orders, the army started marching. One group of soldiers led the way, with seven priests marching behind them and blowing trumpets. Then came the priests carrying the chest, followed by the rest of the soldiers.
GWV: He told the troops, "March around the city. Let the armed men march ahead of the LORD’S ark."
KJV: And he said <0559> (8799) unto the people <05971>_, Pass on <05674> (8798)_, and compass <05437> (8798) the city <05892>_, and let him that is armed <02502> (8803) pass on <05674> (8799) before <06440> the ark <0727> of the LORD <03068>_.
NASB: Then he said<559> to the people<5971>, "Go<5674> forward<5674>, and march<5437> around<5437> the city<5892>, and let the armed<2502> men go<5674> on before<6440> the ark<727> of the LORD<3068>."
NET [draft] ITL: And he told <0559> the army <05971>, “Move ahead <05674> and march around <05437> the city <05892>, with armed <02502> troops going <05674> ahead <06440> of the ark <0727> of the Lord <03068>.”
Studi lengkap, lihat: Alkitab SABDA.
Studi Alkitab dengan AI: Alkitab GPT.
Bahan Renungan: SH - RH - ROC
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