Alkitab Mobile SABDA
[VER] : [TOBA]     [PL]  [PB] 
 <<  Nahum 2 : 9 >> 

Toba: (2-10) Gomaki hamu ma perak, gomaki hamu ma sere! Ai ndang marlilit angka arta na arga situtu dohot sude angka ulaula hasudungan ni roha.

AYT: Rampaslah perak, rampaslah emas! Sebab, tidak ada habisnya persediaan harta benda, kelimpahan semua barang yang indah-indah!

TB: Jarahlah perak, jarahlah emas! Sebab tidak berkesudahan persediaan harta benda, kelimpahan segala barang yang indah-indah!

TL: Rampaslah perak, rampaslah emas! Tiada habisnya segala mata benda yang indah-indah dan segala serba kegemaran!

MILT: Rampaslah perak, rampaslah emas! Karena di sana tidak habis-habisnya harta kekayaan dari semua yang berharga.

Shellabear 2010: Rampaslah perak, rampaslah emas. Tidak ada habisnya persediaan itu, kelimpahan segala barang yang indah.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): Rampaslah perak, rampaslah emas. Tidak ada habisnya persediaan itu, kelimpahan segala barang yang indah.

KSKK: (2-10) Rampaslah perak dan emas berbagai harta kekayaan yang tak berhingga, satu onggokan barang-barang yang berharga.

VMD: Ambillah perak. Ambillah emas. Banyak yang dapat diambil di sana. Banyak harta di sana.

BIS: Rampaslah segala emas dan peraknya! Harta di kota ini sungguh berlimpah-limpah!

TMV: Rampaslah perak! Rampaslah emas! Kota penuh dengan harta benda!

FAYH: Jarahlah perak! Jarahlah emas! Harta benda yang ada seakan-akan tidak habis-habisnya. Kekayaannya yang banyak dan tidak terhitung itu dikuras habis.

ENDE: (2-10) Rampaslah perak, rampaslah emas! Peralatan tak ada habis2nja, banjaklah harta-bendanja.

Shellabear 1912: Rampaslah perak rampaslah emas karana perbendaharaan itu tiada habisnya demikian juga kekayaan segala harta yang indah-indah.

Leydekker Draft: Rampaslah pejrakh, rampaslah 'amas, karana tijada barang kaputusan pada hulu benda jang mulija deri pada sakalijen badjan kadendaman.

AVB: Rampaslah perak, rampaslah emas. Tidak ada habisnya khazanah itu, kelimpahan segala barang yang indah-indah.

TB ITL: Jarahlah <0962> perak <03701>, jarahlah <0962> emas <02091>! Sebab tidak <0369> berkesudahan <07097> persediaan <08498> harta benda <03519>, kelimpahan segala <03605> barang <03627> yang indah-indah <02532>!

Jawa: Padha ngrayaha salaka, ngrayaha mas, awit tanpa wilangan simpenane raja-brana, prabot-prabot kang endah kehe ora karuwan.

Jawa 1994: Padha ngrayaha slaka! Padha ngrayaha emas! Kutha iki kebak raja-brana!

Sunda: Jarah perakna! Jarah emasna! Ieu nagri loba pependemanana!

Madura: Rampas emmas ban salakana! Kottha reya possa’ ban arta!

Bali: Rampasja peraknyane, rampas masnyane. Kotane puniki bek madaging arta brana.

Bugis: Rampasa’i sininna ulawenna sibawa péra’na! Maona senna waramparangngé ri kotaéwé!

Makasar: Rampasaki sikontu bulaenna siagang pera’na! Barang-baranga ri anne kotaya ma’nassa alla’bi-la’bi!

Toraja: Rampai tu salaka, rampai tu bulaan! Tae’ upuranna tu mintu’ ianan makamban, iamotu kala’bianna ma’rupa-rupa ianan maballo.

Karo: Rampokilah pirak! Rampasilah emas! Kota e dem alu erta-erta!

Simalungun: (2-10) Buati ma pirak in, buati ma omas in! Ai lang marnabois arta ai, sumbang tumang bagei-bagei ni na maharga.

NETBible: Her conquerors cry out: “Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold!” There is no end to the treasure; riches of every kind of precious thing.

NASB: Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold! For there is no limit to the treasure— Wealth from every kind of desirable object.

HCSB: "Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold!" There is no end to the treasure, an abundance of every precious thing.

LEB: Steal the silver! Steal the gold! There is no end to what is stored here–– everything a person could ever want.

NIV: Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold! The supply is endless, the wealth from all its treasures!

ESV: Plunder the silver, plunder the gold! There is no end of the treasure or of the wealth of all precious things.

NRSV: "Plunder the silver, plunder the gold! There is no end of treasure! An abundance of every precious thing!"

REB: Spoil is taken, spoil of silver and gold; there is no end to its store, treasure costly beyond all desire.

NKJV: Take spoil of silver! Take spoil of gold! There is no end of treasure, Or wealth of every desirable prize.

KJV: Take ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold: for [there is] none end of the store [and] glory out of all the pleasant furniture.

AMP: Take the spoil of silver; take the spoil of gold! For there is no end of the treasure, the glory {and} wealth of all the precious furnishings.

NLT: Loot the silver! Plunder the gold! There seems no end to Nineveh’s many treasures––its vast, uncounted wealth.

GNB: Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold! The city is full of treasure!

ERV: Take the silver! Take the gold! There are many things to take. There are many treasures.

BBE: Take silver, take gold; for there is no end to the store; take for yourselves a weight of things to be desired.

MSG: Other cries come: "Plunder the silver! Plunder the gold! A bonanza of plunder! Take everything you want!"

CEV: Enemy soldiers shout, "The city is full of treasure and all kinds of wealth. Steal her silver! Grab her gold!"

CEVUK: Enemy soldiers shout, “The city is full of treasure and all kinds of wealth. Steal her silver! Grab her gold!”

GWV: Steal the silver! Steal the gold! There is no end to what is stored here–– everything a person could ever want.

NET [draft] ITL: Her conquerors cry out: “Plunder <0962> the silver <03701>! Plunder <0962> the gold <02091>!” There is no <0369> end <07097> to the treasure <08498>; riches <03519> of every <03605> kind of precious <02532> thing <03627>.

 <<  Nahum 2 : 9 >> 

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