Alkitab Mobile SABDA
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 <<  Daniel 3 : 27 >> 

AYT: Berkumpullah para wakil raja, para penguasa, para gubernur, dan para menteri raja dan melihat pada orang-orang ini bahwa api tidak berkuasa atas mereka, rambut di kepala mereka tidak hangus, jubah mereka juga tidak berubah, bahkan bau terbakar tidak ada pada mereka.

TB: Dan para wakil raja, para penguasa, para bupati dan para menteri raja datang berkumpul; mereka melihat, bahwa tubuh orang-orang ini tidak mempan oleh api itu, bahwa rambut di kepala mereka tidak hangus, jubah mereka tidak berubah apa-apa, bahkan bau kebakaranpun tidak ada pada mereka.

TL: Sudah itu, maka berhimpunlah segala pangeran dan demang, adipati, dan segala menteri raja, hendak melihat orang itu, karena api tiada berkuasa atas tubuhnya, rambut kepalanyapun tiada hangus dan pakaiannyapun tiada berubah, bahkan, bau sangit apipun tiada terkena kepadanya.

MILT: Dan para wakil raja, para penguasa, para gubernur, dan para pejabat kerajaan berkumpul bersama, dan melihat bahwa tubuh orang-orang ini tidak mempan oleh api, dan rambut di kepala mereka tidak hangus, atau kasut mereka tidak berubah, bahkan bau terbakar pun tidak melekat pada mereka.

Shellabear 2010: sementara para wakil raja, para penguasa, para gubernur, dan para menteri raja datang berkumpul. Mereka melihat bahwa tubuh ketiga orang itu tidak mempan api, rambut di kepala mereka tidak hangus, jubah mereka tidak berubah, dan bau terbakar pun tidak ada pada mereka.

KS (Revisi Shellabear 2011): sementara para wakil raja, para penguasa, para gubernur, dan para menteri raja datang berkumpul. Mereka melihat bahwa tubuh ketiga orang itu tidak mempan api, rambut di kepala mereka tidak hangus, jubah mereka tidak berubah, dan bau terbakar pun tidak ada pada mereka.

KSKK: (3-94) Para pegawai, para prefek dan gubernur-gubernur dan para penasihat raja datang mendekat dan memeriksa mereka: api itu tidak meninggalkan suatu akibat pun pada tubuh mereka: rambut mereka tidak terbakar, demikian juga celana mereka, dan malah tidak ada bau asap pada diri mereka.

VMD: Ketika mereka keluar, wakil raja, para pegawai tinggi, gubernur, para penasihat kerajaan mengelilingi mereka. Mereka dapat melihat api itu tidak membakar Sadrakh, Mesakh, dan Abednego. Tubuh mereka sama sekali tidak terbakar. Rambutnya tidak terbakar, pakaiannya tidak terbakar, dan mereka tidak tercium seperti orang yang baru berada dalam api.

BIS: Semua wakil raja, para gubernur, bupati, dan pegawai-pegawai lainnya mengelilingi ketiga orang itu dan melihat bahwa mereka sama sekali tak disentuh oleh api. Rambut mereka tidak hangus, dan pakaian mereka tidak gosong, bahkan bau asap pun tidak ada pada mereka.

TMV: Semua raja, gabenor, ketua daerah, dan pegawai-pegawai yang lain berkumpul untuk melihat tiga orang yang tidak terbakar oleh api itu. Rambut mereka tidak hangus, pakaian mereka tidak terbakar, bahkan mereka tidak berbau asap pun.

FAYH: Para wakil raja, wali negara, panglima, dan penasihat raja mengerumuni mereka dan melihat bahwa api itu sama sekali tidak menyentuh mereka; tidak sehelai rambut pun di kepala mereka terbakar. Juga pakaian mereka tidak hangus, dan tubuh mereka tidak bau asap sama sekali.

ENDE: Para satrap, mangkubumi, adipati dan pendjawat radja berhimpun. Mereka melihat, bahwa api tidak berdaja terhadap tubuh orang itu, rambut kepala mereka tidak terangus, mantolnja masih utuh, bahkan bau anguspun tak ada pada mereka.

Shellabear 1912: Maka segala raja-raja dan pemerintah dan panglima dan segala menteri baginda telah berhimpunlah lalu dilihatnya ketiga orang itu bahwa api tiada berkuasa atas tubuhnya dan sehelai rambutnyapun tiada hangus sehingga pakaiannyapun tiada berubah dan bau hangitpun tiada melekat kepadanya.

Leydekker Draft: Sudah 'itu maka berkompollah segala Pang`ejran, segala Damang, dan segala 'Adapati, dan segala Manterij Sulthan, melihatij segala laki-laki 'ini, 'awleh karana 'apij sudah tijada ghalib 'atas tuboh-tubohnja, dan rambot kapalanja sudah tijada hangus, dan segala sabejnja sudah tijada berlajinan: behkan bawu 'apij sudah tijada liput padanja.

AVB: sementara para wakil raja, para penguasa, para pembesar, dan para menteri raja datang berkumpul. Mereka melihat bahawa tubuh ketiga-tiga orang itu tidak terkesan langsung oleh api, rambut di kepala mereka tidak hangus, jubah mereka tidak berubah, dan bau terbakar pun tidak ada pada mereka.

AYT ITL: Berkumpullah <03673> para wakil raja <0324>, para penguasa <05460>, para gubernur <06347>, dan para menteri <01907> raja <04430> dan melihat <02370> pada orang-orang <01400> ini <0479> bahwa <01768> api <05135> tidak <03809> berkuasa atas <07981> mereka, rambut <08177> di kepala <07217> mereka tidak <03809> hangus <02761>, jubah <05622> mereka juga tidak <03809> berubah <08133>, bahkan bau <07382> terbakar <05135> tidak <03809> ada <05709> pada mereka. [<01655> <00>]

TB ITL: Dan para wakil raja <0324>, para penguasa <05460>, para bupati <06347> dan para menteri <01907> raja <04430> datang berkumpul <03673>; mereka melihat <02370>, bahwa <01768> tubuh <01655> orang-orang <01400> ini <0479> tidak <03809> mempan <07981> oleh api <05135> itu, bahwa rambut <08177> di kepala <07217> mereka tidak <03809> hangus <02761>, jubah <05622> mereka tidak <03809> berubah <08133> apa-apa, bahkan bau <07382> kebakaranpun <05135> tidak <03809> ada <05709> pada mereka.

TL ITL: Sudah itu, maka berhimpunlah <03673> segala pangeran <0324> dan demang <05460>, adipati <06347>, dan segala menteri <01907> raja <04430>, hendak melihat <02370> orang <01400> itu <0479>, karena <01768> api <05135> tiada <03809> berkuasa <07981> atas tubuhnya <01655>, rambut <08177> kepalanyapun <07217> tiada <03809> hangus <02761> dan pakaiannyapun <05622> tiada <03809> berubah <08133>, bahkan, bau <07382> sangit apipun <05135> tiada <03809> terkena <05709> kepadanya.

AVB ITL: sementara para wakil raja <0324>, para penguasa <05460>, para pembesar <06347>, dan para menteri <01907> raja <04430> datang berkumpul <03673>. Mereka melihat <02370> bahawa tubuh <01655> ketiga-tiga orang <01400> itu <0479> tidak <03809> terkesan <07981> langsung oleh api <05135>, rambut <08177> di kepala <07217> mereka tidak <03809> hangus <02761>, jubah <05622> mereka tidak <03809> berubah <08133>, dan bau <07382> terbakar <05135> pun tidak <03809> ada pada mereka. [<01768> <05709> <00>]

HEBREW: <0> Nwhb <05709> tde <03809> al <05135> rwn <07382> xyrw <08133> wns <03809> al <05622> Nwhylbrow <02761> Krxth <03809> al <07217> Nwhsar <08177> revw <01655> Nwhmsgb <05135> arwn <07981> jls <03809> al <01768> yd <0479> Kla <01400> ayrbgl <02370> Nyzx <04430> aklm <01907> yrbdhw <06347> atwxpw <05460> ayngo <0324> aynprdsxa <03673> Nysnktmw (3:27)

Jawa: Para wakil-raja, para kang ngasta pangwasa, para bupati lan para mentrining Sang Prabu padha nglempak sarta padha nguningani, yen sarirane priyagung iku padha ora mempan ing geni iku tuwin rema ing mastakane ora geseng, ageme jubah ora apa-apa, malah mambet geni bae padha ora.

Jawa 1994: Para pangéran, para gubernur, para bupati lan para penggedhéné liyané banjur padha nglumpuk lan namataké wong telu mau, déné padha ora kobong babar-pisan. Rambuté ora kebrongot, sandhangané ora kobong, malah mambu sangit waé ora!

Sunda: Para pangeran, para gupernur, para wakil gupernur, jeung pajabat-pajabat raja, ngarubung nelek-nelek aranjeunna anu henteu naon-naon ku seuneu. Rambutna teu tutung, anggoanana teu kaduruk, salirana henteu bau haseup-haseup acan.

Madura: Sakabbinna bakkella rato, para gubennor, bupati ban ba-ponggaba laenna agaribbung e sakalenglengnga oreng se katello jareya ban kabbi padha nangale’e ja’ se katello jareya ta’ ekenneng apoy sakale. Obu’na ta’ katonon, kalambina ta’ potthon, la’-mala’ ta’ bau okos balakka’.

Bali: Sakancan pangeran, gubernur, bupati miwah paraprakanggen sang prabu sane tiosan tumuli mapunduh tur medasin sang tiga, sane tan bintul antuk genine punika. Rambut sang tiga nenten puun, panganggennyane taler nenten puun, tur dane nenten pisan mambu andus.

Bugis: Sininna wakkélé’na arungngé, sining gebernur-é, bupatié, sibawa pegawé-pegawé laingngé mattulilingiwi iya tellu tauwéro sibawa mitai makkedaé dé’ sises-siseng mennang narigéssa ri apié. Dé’ namangu gemme’na, sibawa pakéyanna dé’ namangu, mala muwi bau rumpu dé’to gaga ri mennang.

Makasar: Sikontu wakkele’ karaenga, guburnurka, bupatia, siagang pagawe-pagawe maraengannaya, natammulili anjo tau tallua siagang naciniki ke’nanga angkanaya tena sikali naniberoi ri pepe’ anjo tau tallua. Tena nammutung uu’na ke’nanga, care-carena tena todong nakkanre, ba’lalo tena sikali na’rasa umbu ke’nanga.

Toraja: Sirampunmi tu mintu’ to maraa lompo, pangulu, to maraa sia pebangun ada’na datu: natiromi iatu api tae’ nasau’i tu kalena tau iato mai iatu beluakna tae’ namampu’ len, iatu bayu lamba’na tae’ nale’ke’i api, ondongpi tae’ bang nabusasa.

Karo: Kerina raja-raja, gubernur-gubernur, wakil gubernur, ras pegawai-pegawai raja si debanna pulung ngenehen kalak ndai teluna, la lit sitik pe si mesuina ibahan api e. Ujung bukna pe la meseng, uisna pe la ceda, janah bau cimber pe ia lang.

Simalungun: Jadi martumpu ma raja-raja, wakil raja, kopala-kopala ampa sipanuturi ni raja ai, gabe ididah sidea ma, na so margogoh apuy ai mangkahua angkula ni dalahi-dalahi ai; seng mosog jambulan na bani ulu ni sidea, seng mahua mantel ni sidea, anjaha bau ni apuy pe seng dong taranggoh bani sidea.

Toba: Dung i marpungu ma angka pangarajai, partogi, induk dohot angka panuturi ni rajai, naeng marnida angka baoa i, angka na so tarhahua api dagingnasida i, gari obuk ni ulunasida ndang muap api, jala pangkeannasida ndang muba, nanggo uap ni api, ndang dais tu nasida.

NETBible: Once the satraps, prefects, governors, and ministers of the king had gathered around, they saw that those men were physically unharmed by the fire. The hair of their heads was not singed, nor were their trousers damaged. Not even the smell of fire was to be found on them!

NASB: The satraps, the prefects, the governors and the king’s high officials gathered around and saw in regard to these men that the fire had no effect on the bodies of these men nor was the hair of their head singed, nor were their trousers damaged, nor had the smell of fire even come upon them.

HCSB: When the satraps, prefects, governors, and the king's advisers gathered around, they saw that the fire had no effect on the bodies of these men: not a hair of their heads was singed, their robes were unaffected, and there was no smell of fire on them.

LEB: The king’s satraps, governors, mayors, and advisers gathered around the three men. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies. The hair on their heads wasn’t singed, their clothes weren’t burned, and they didn’t smell of smoke.

NIV: and the satraps, prefects, governors and royal advisers crowded around them. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them.

ESV: And the satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the king's counselors gathered together and saw that the fire had not had any power over the bodies of those men. The hair of their heads was not singed, their cloaks were not harmed, and no smell of fire had come upon them.

NRSV: And the satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the king’s counselors gathered together and saw that the fire had not had any power over the bodies of those men; the hair of their heads was not singed, their tunics were not harmed, and not even the smell of fire came from them.

REB: the satraps, prefects, governors, and the king's courtiers gathered round them and saw how the fire had had no power to harm their bodies. The hair of their heads had not been singed, their trousers were untouched, and no smell of fire lingered about them.

NKJV: And the satraps, administrators, governors, and the king’s counselors gathered together, and they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no power; the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them.

KJV: And the princes, governors, and captains, and the king’s counsellors, being gathered together, saw these men, upon whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of their head singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell of fire had passed on them.

AMP: And the satraps, the deputies, the governors, and the king's counselors gathered around together and saw these men--that the fire had no power upon their bodies, nor was the hair of their head singed; neither were their garments scorched {or} changed in color {or} condition, nor had even the smell of smoke clung to them.

NLT: Then the princes, prefects, governors, and advisers crowded around them and saw that the fire had not touched them. Not a hair on their heads was singed, and their clothing was not scorched. They didn’t even smell of smoke!

GNB: All the princes, governors, lieutenant governors, and other officials of the king gathered to look at the three men, who had not been harmed by the fire. Their hair was not singed, their clothes were not burned, and there was no smell of smoke on them.

ERV: When they came out, the satraps, prefects, governors, and royal advisors crowded around them. They could see that the fire had not burned Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Their bodies were not burned at all. Their hair was not burned, and their robes were not burned. They didn’t even smell as if they had been near fire.

BBE: And the captains, the chiefs, and the rulers, and the king’s wise men who had come together, saw these men, over whose bodies the fire had no power, and not a hair of their heads was burned, and their coats were not changed, and there was no smell of fire about them.

MSG: All the important people, the government leaders and king's counselors, gathered around to examine them and discovered that the fire hadn't so much as touched the three men--not a hair singed, not a scorch mark on their clothes, not even the smell of fire on them!

CEV: and the king's high officials, governors, and advisors all crowded around them. The men were not burned, their hair wasn't scorched, and their clothes didn't even smell like smoke.

CEVUK: and the king's high officials, governors, and advisers all crowded around them. The men were not burnt, their hair wasn't scorched, and their clothes didn't even smell like smoke.

GWV: The king’s satraps, governors, mayors, and advisers gathered around the three men. They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies. The hair on their heads wasn’t singed, their clothes weren’t burned, and they didn’t smell of smoke.

KJV: And the princes <0324>_, governors <05460>_, and captains <06347>_, and the king's <04430> counsellors <01907>_, being gathered together <03673> (8723)_, saw <02370> (8751) these <0479> men <01400>_, upon whose bodies <01655> the fire <05135> had no <03809> power <07981> (8754)_, nor <03809> was an hair <08177> of their head <07217> singed <02761> (8724)_, neither <03809> were their coats <05622> changed <08133> (8754)_, nor <03809> the smell <07382> of fire <05135> had passed <05709> (8754) on them.

NASB: The satraps<324>, the prefects<5460>, the governors<6347> and the king's<4430> high<1907> officials<1907> gathered<3673> around<3673> and saw<2370> in regard to these<479> men<1400> that the fire<5135> had<7981> no<3809> effect<7981> on the bodies<1655> of these men nor<3809> was the hair<8177> of their head<7217> singed<2761>, nor<3809> were their trousers<5622> damaged<8133>, nor<3809> had the smell<7382> of fire<5135> even come<5907> upon them.

NET [draft] ITL: Once the satraps <0324>, prefects <05460>, governors <06347>, and ministers <01907> of the king <04430> had gathered around <03673>, they saw <02370> that <01768> those <0479> men <01400> were physically <01655> unharmed <07981> <03809> by the fire <05135>. The hair <08177> of their heads <07217> was not <03809> singed <02761>, nor <03809> were their trousers <05622> damaged <08133>. Not even <03809> the smell <07382> of fire <05135> was to be found <05709> on them!

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 <<  Daniel 3 : 27 >> 

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