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 <<  Zakharia 3 >> 

The High Priest

1The angel showed me Joshua the high priest, standing in front of the angel of the LORD and Satan was standing by Joshua’s right side. Satan was there to accuse Joshua of doing wrong.

2Then the angel of the LORD said to Satan, “The LORD says no to you! The LORD has chosen Jerusalem to be his special city, and he says that you are wrong. He saved this man like a burning stick that someone pulls out of the fire.”

3Joshua was wearing a dirty robe as he stood in front of the angel.

4Then the angel said to the other angels standing near him, “Take those dirty clothes off Joshua.” Then the angel spoke to Joshua. He said, “Now, I have taken away your guilt, and I am giving you a new change of clothes.”

5Then I said, “Put a clean turban on his head.” So they put the clean turban on him and also put clean clothes on him while the angel of the LORD stood there.

6Then the angel of the LORD said this to Joshua:

7This is what the LORD All-Powerful said: “Live the way I tell you, and do everything I say. And you will be in charge of my Temple. You will take care of its courtyard. You will be free to go anywhere in my Temple, just as these angels standing here.

8Listen, Joshua, you who are the high priest, and listen, you fellow priests seated before him. You are all examples to show what will happen when I bring my special servant. He is called, THE BRANCH.

9Look, I put a special stone in front of Joshua. There are seven sides on that stone. I will carve a special message on it. This will show that in one day, I will remove the guilt from this land.” This is what the LORD All-Powerful says.

10The LORD All-Powerful says, “At that time people will sit and talk with their friends and neighbors. They will invite each other to sit under the fig trees and grapevines.”

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 <<  Zakharia 3 >> 

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