Alkitab Mobile SABDA
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 <<  Mazmur 28 >> 

A Prayer for Help

1O LORD, my defender, I call to you. Listen to my cry! If you do not answer me, I will be among those who go down to the world of the dead.

2Hear me when I cry to you for help, when I lift my hands toward your holy Temple.

3Do not condemn me with the wicked, with those who do evil -- those whose words are friendly, but who have hatred in their hearts.

4Punish them for what they have done, for the evil they have committed. Punish them for all their deeds; give them what they deserve!

5They take no notice of what the LORD has done or of what he has made; so he will punish them and destroy them forever.

6Give praise to the LORD; he has heard my cry for help.

7The LORD protects and defends me; I trust in him. He gives me help and makes me glad; I praise him with joyful songs.

8The LORD protects his people; he defends and saves his chosen king.

9Save your people, LORD, and bless those who are yours. Be their shepherd, and take care of them forever.

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 <<  Mazmur 28 >> 

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