All health; -- a phrase of salutation or welcome. [1913 Webster]
above all, after all, all, all along, all around, all arounder, all at once, all but, all clear, all comprehensive, all creation, all day long, all ears, all embracing, all fools' day, all fours, all get out, all important, all in, all in all, all in the mind, all inclusive, all of a sudden, all out, all over, all overs, all pervading, all powerful, all right, all round, all saints, all saints', all saints' day, all seeing, all set, all souls' day, all the same, all the time, all the way, all things considered, all thumbs, all together, all told, all too, at all, at all costs, be all and end all, best of all, bugger all, by all means, by all odds, end all, fall all over, first of all, for all intents and purposes, for all practical purposes, for all the world, fuck all, go all out, hail, hail mary, heal all, in all, in all conscience, in all likelihood, in all probability, in all respects, jack of all trades, know all the answers, least of all, not all there, not at all, of all time, on all fours, once and for all, one and all, pull out all the stops, to all intents and purposes, uptails all, with all respect