baptist church(n = baptists - any of various evangelical Protestant churches that believe in the baptism of voluntary believers; Array
is a kind of protestant denomination
has parts: baptist denomination
american baptist convention, anglican church, armenian apostolic orthodox church, armenian church, arminian baptist, arminian church, baptist, baptist denomination, broad church, byzantine church, calvinistic baptist, catholic church, christian church, church, church bell, church bench, church building, church calendar, church doctrine, church father, church festival, church hat, church house, church key, church member, church mode, church modes, church mouse, church music, church of christ scientist, church of england, church of ireland, church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, church of rome, church of scientology, church of the brethren, church officer, church property, church roll, church school, church service, church slavic, church tower, church year, congregational christian church, congregational church, coptic church, doctor of the church, eastern church, eastern orthodox church, episcopal church, episcopal church of scotland, established church, evangelical and reformed church, evangelical united brethren church, father of the church, funeral church, general baptist, greek church, greek orthodox church, high anglican church, high church, john the baptist, lutheran church, mennonite church, methodist church, mormon church, nestorian church, northern baptist, northern baptist convention, old catholic church, old church slavic, old church slavonic, orthodox catholic church, orthodox church, particular baptist, presbyterian church, protestant church, protestant episcopal church, roman catholic church, roman church, russian church, russian orthodox church, southern baptist, southern baptist convention, st. john the baptist, uniat church, uniate church, unification church, unitarian church, united church of christ, united methodist church, wesleyan methodist church, western church