1. beta(n = noun.communication) Array - the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet; Array
is a kind of alphabetic character, letter, letter of the alphabet
is a member of greek alphabet
2. beta(n = noun.plant) genus beta - beets; Array
is a kind of caryophylloid dicot genus, chenopodiaceae, family chenopodiaceae, goosefoot family
The second letter of the Greek alphabet, B,
"Beta (B,
beta, n.
1 the second letter of the Greek alphabet (B, {szlig}).
2 a second-class mark given for a piece of work or in an examination.
3 Astron. the second brightest star in a constellation.
4 the second member of a series.
beta-blocker Pharm. a drug that prevents the stimulation of increased cardiac action, used to treat angina and reduce high blood pressure. beta particle (or ray) a fast-moving electron emitted by radioactive decay of substances (orig. regarded as rays).
ME f. L f. Gk
beta blocker, beta cell, beta centauri, beta crucis, beta decay, beta endorphin, beta globulin, beta iron, beta orionis, beta particle, beta radiation, beta ray, beta rays, beta receptor, beta rhythm, beta software, beta test, beta vulgaris, beta vulgaris cicla, beta vulgaris rubra, beta vulgaris vulgaris, beta wave, genus beta