bodily property(n = noun.attribute) Array - an attribute of the body; Array
is a kind of property
has particulars: bipedalism, dominance, laterality, body-build, build, habitus, physique, avoirdupois, blubber, fat, fatness, leanness, spareness, thinness, height, stature, bearing, carriage, posture, physiology, physiological property, attitude, position, posture
bodily, bodily cavity, bodily fluid, bodily function, bodily process, bodily structure, chemical property, church property, color property, community property, grievous bodily harm, intellectual property, olfactory property, personal property, physical property, physiological property, private property, property, property line, property man, property master, property owner, property right, property settlement, property tax, public property, real property, sound property, spatial property, stolen property, tactile property, taste property, temporal property, transferred property, visual property