butterfly effect(n = noun.phenomenon) Array - the phenomenon whereby a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere, e.g., a butterfly flapping its wings in Rio de Janeiro might change the weather in Chicago; Array
is a kind of consequence, effect, event, issue, outcome, result, upshot
bandwagon effect, brush-footed butterfly, butterfly, butterfly bush, butterfly collector, butterfly fish, butterfly flower, butterfly nut, butterfly orchid, butterfly orchis, butterfly pea, butterfly plant, butterfly ray, butterfly stroke, butterfly valve, butterfly weed, cabbage butterfly, coattails effect, comma butterfly, coriolis effect, danaid butterfly, domino effect, doppler effect, effect, emperor butterfly, flywheel effect, four-footed butterfly, greater butterfly orchid, greenhouse effect, ground effect, hairstreak butterfly, in effect, knock-on effect, law of effect, lesser butterfly orchid, lycaenid butterfly, milkweed butterfly, monarch butterfly, mourning cloak butterfly, nymphalid butterfly, peacock butterfly, peltier effect, pierid butterfly, piezo effect, piezoelectric effect, placebo effect, position effect, ringlet butterfly, sea butterfly, side effect, skin effect, sound effect, southern cabbage butterfly, special effect, stage effect, sulfur butterfly, sulphur butterfly, take effect, to that effect, tortoiseshell butterfly, troilus butterfly, tyndall effect, zeeman effect