common grape hyacinth(n = noun.plant) muscari neglectum - prolific species having particularly beautiful dark blue flowers; Array
is a kind of grape hyacinth
as was common, bear's grape, book of common prayer, bullace grape, cabernet sauvignon grape, cape hyacinth, chardonnay grape, common, common ageratum, common alder, common allamanda, common american shad, common amsinckia, common apricot, common arrowhead, common ax, common axe, common bamboo, common barberry, common barley, common basil, common bean, common bean plant, common bearberry, common beech, common beet, common bile duct, common birch, common bird cherry, common blackfish, common bog rosemary, common booklouse, common box, common brant goose, common broom, common burdock, common buttercup, common calamint, common camas, common canary, common caper, common cardinal vein, common carline thistle, common carotid, common carotid artery, common carrier, common chickweed, common chord, common cockscomb, common cold, common comfrey, common coral tree, common corn salad, common cotton grass, common daisy, common dandelion, common denominator, common devil's claw, common divisor, common dogbane, common dolphin, common duckweed, common eel, common eland, common elder, common era, common european ash, common european dogwood, common european earwig, common european jay, common evening primrose, common facial vein, common factor, common fate, common fault, common fennel, common fig, common fig tree, common flat pea, common four-o'clock, common foxglove, common fraction, common front, common garden cress, common garter snake, common ginger, common good, common grape vine, common ground, common gum cistus, common heath, common hop, common hops, common horehound, common horsetail, common hyacinth, common iguana, common iliac artery, common iliac vein, common ivy, common jasmine, common juniper, common kingsnake, common knowledge, common laburnum, common lady's-slipper, common land, common law, common lettuce, common lilac, common limpet, common logarithm, common louse, common lynx, common mackerel, common madia, common maidenhair, common mallow, common man, common marigold, common market, common matrimony vine, common measure, common meter, common milkwort, common mood, common moonseed, common moonwort, common morel, common morning glory, common mosquito, common mugwort, common mullein, common multiple, common murre, common myrtle, common nardoo, common newt, common nightshade, common noun, common nuisance, common nutcracker, common oak, common opossum, common or garden, common osier, common pea, common people, common pepper, common person, common pitcher plant, common plantain, common plum, common polypody, common pond-skater, common privet, common purslane, common raccoon, common racoon, common ragweed, common reed, common room, common rorqual, common rose mallow, common roundworm, common rush, common sage, common salt, common scold, common scoter, common scurvy grass, common seal, common sense, common sense