1. contrive(v = verb.creation) design, plan, project - make or work out a plan for; devise; "They contrived to murder their boss"; "design a new sales strategy"; "plan an attack"
is one way to create by mental act, create mentally
Derived form noun contriver1
Sample sentences:
They contrive to move
2. contrive(v = verb.creation) devise, excogitate, forge, formulate, invent - come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort; "excogitate a way to measure the speed of light"
is one way to create by mental act, create mentally
Derived form noun contrivance6
Sample sentences:
Did he contrive his major works over a short period of time?
3. contrive(v = verb.creation) cast, project, throw - put or send forth; "She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"; "The setting sun threw long shadows"; "cast a spell"; "cast a warm light"
is one way to direct, send
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something
To form by an exercise of ingenuity; to devise; to invent; to design; to plan. [1913 Webster]
"What more likely to contrive this admirable frame of the universe than infinite wisdom." [1913 Webster]
"neither do thou imagine that I shall contrive aught against his life."
To make devices; to form designs; to plan; to scheme; to plot. [1913 Webster]
"The Fates with traitors do contrive." [1913 Webster]
"Thou hast contrived against th very life
Of the defendant." [1913 Webster]
contrive, v.tr.
1 devise; plan or make resourcefully or with skill.
2 (often foll. by to + infin.) manage (contrived to make matters worse).
contrivable adj. contriver n.
ME f. OF controver find, imagine f. med.L contropare compare
VB plan, scheme, design, frame, contrive, project, forecast, sketch, devise, invent, set one's wits to work, spring a project, fall upon, hit upon, strike out, chalk out, cut out, lay out, map out, lay down a plan, shape out a course, mark out a course, predetermine, concert, preconcert, preestablish, prepare, hatch, hatch a plot concoct, take steps, take measures, cast, recast, systematize, organize, arrange, digest, mature, plot, counter-plot, counter-mine, dig a mine, lay a train, intrigue.
VB be cunning, have cut one's eyeteeth, contrive, live by one's wits, maneuver, intrigue, gerrymander, finesse, double, temporize, stoop to conquer, reculer pour mieux sauter, circumvent, steal a march upon, overreach, throw off one's guard, surprise, snatch a verdict, waylay, undermine, introduce the thin end of the wedge, play a deep game, play tricks with, ambiguas in vulgum spargere voces, flatter, make things pleasant, have an ax to grind, dodge, sidestep, bob and weave.
VB produce, perform, operate, do, make, gar, form, construct, fabricate, frame, contrive, manufacture, weave, forge, coin, carve, chisel, build, raise, edify, rear, erect, put together, set up, run up, establish, constitute, compose, organize, institute, achieve, accomplish, flower, bear fruit, fructify, teem, ean, yean, farrow, drop, pup, kitten, kindle, bear, lay, whelp, bring forth, give birth to, lie in, be brought to bed of, evolve, pullulate, usher into the world, make productive, create, beget, get, generate, fecundate, impregnate, procreate, progenerate, propagate, engender, bring into being, call into being, bring into existence, breed, hatch, develop, bring up, induce, superinduce, suscitate, cause, acquire.