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Found 1 definition: credit account.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun credit account has 1 senses

   credit account(n = noun.possession) charge account, open account - credit extended by a business to a customer; Array
is a kind of charge account credit, open-end credit, revolving credit
has particulars: revolving charge account



N  credit, trust, tick, score, tally, account, letter of credit, circular note, duplicate, mortgage, lien, debenture, paper credit, floating capital, draft, lettre de creance, securities, creditor, lender, lessor, mortgagee, dun, usurer, credit account, line of credit, open line of credit, credit card, crediting, credited, accredited, on credit, on account, to the account of, to the credit of, a compte.


account, account book, account executive, account for, account payable, account representative, account statement, allowance account, audited account, bank account, book of account, brokerage account, capital account, cash account, charge account, charge account credit, check overdraft credit, checking account, commercial credit, commercial credit company, commercial letter of credit, consumer credit, control account, course credit, credit, credit analyst, credit application, credit bureau, credit card, credit crunch, credit entry, credit hour, credit line, credit order, credit rating, credit side, credit system, credit union, current account, custodial account, deposit account, dormant account, equity credit line, expense account, export credit, farm credit system, giro account, home equity credit, import credit, individual retirement account, installment credit, letter of credit, line of credit, margin account, no account, on account of, open account, open-end credit, overdraft credit, passbook savings account, pension account, personal credit line, personal line of credit, photo credit, profit and loss account, reserve account, retirement account, retirement savings account, revolving charge account, revolving credit, savings account, savings account trust, short account, suspense account, take account, take into account, tax credit, theoretical account, time deposit account, travel and entertainment account, traveler's letter of credit, traveller's letter of credit, trust account, trustee account, valuation account, written account