crosier(n = noun.communication) crozier - a staff surmounted by a crook or cross carried by bishops as a symbol of pastoral office; Array
is a kind of staff
The pastoral staff of a bishop (also of an archbishop, being the symbol of his office as a shepherd of the flock of God. [1913 Webster]
" The true shape of the crosier was with a hooked or curved top; the archbishop's staff alone bore a cross instead of a crook, and was of exceptional, not of regular form." Skeat. [1913 Webster]
crosier, n. (also crozier)
1 a hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office.
2 a crook.
orig. = bearer of a crook, f. OF crocier & OF croisier f. crois CROSS
N canonicals, vestments, robe, gown, Geneva gown frock, pallium, surplice, cassock, dalmatic, scapulary, cope, mozetta, scarf, tunicle, chasuble, alb, alba, stole, fanon, fannel, tonsure, cowl, hood, calote, calotte, bands, capouch, amice, vagas, vakas, vakass, apron, lawn sleeves, pontificals, pall, miter, tiara, triple crown, shovel hat, cardinal's hat, biretta, crosier, pastoral staff, thurifer, costume.