cube root(n = noun.quantity) Array - a number that when multiplied three times equals a given number; Array
is a kind of root
N triality, trinity, triunity, three, triad, triplet, trey, trio, ternion, leash, shamrock, tierce, spike-team, trefoil, triangle, trident, triennium, trigon, trinomial, trionym, triplopia, tripod, trireme, triseme, triskele, triskelion, trisula, third power, cube, cube root, three, triform, trinal, trinomial, tertiary, ternary, triune, triarch, triadie, triple, tri-, tris-, tria juncta in uno.
adventitious root, ague root, alum root, black root rot fungus, blueberry root, bouillon cube, brown root rot fungus, cahinca root, celery root, cervical root syndrome, characteristic root of a square matrix, chay root, chicory root, chocolate root, choy root, colic root, coral root, crested coral root, crinkle root, cube, culver's root, culvers root, derris root, early coral root, hairy root, horseradish root, ice cube, licorice root, mandrake root, pale coral root, papoose root, pepper root, pleurisy root, prop root, rattlesnake root, root, root beer, root beer float, root canal, root cap, root celery, root cellar, root climber, root crop, root hair, root out, root rot, root system, root vegetable, root word, sarsaparilla root, senega root, senga root, spotted coral root, square root, squaw root, stock cube, stone root, striped coral root, take root, taro root, tinker's root, tooth root, tuba root, tuber root, turmeric root, unicorn root, yellow root