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Found 1 definition: dead.

dead top

Pos: Adjective, Noun, Adverb

Noun dead has 2 senses

1.  dead(n = noun.group) Array - people who are no longer living; "they buried the dead"
is a kind of
has particulars: slain
Antonym: living

2.  dead(n = noun.time) Array - a time when coldness (or some other quality associated with death) is intense; "the dead of winter"
is a kind of

Adverbial dead has 2 senses

1.  dead(r = adv.all) abruptly, short, suddenly - quickly and without warning; "he stopped suddenly"

2.  dead(r = adv.all) absolutely, perfectly, utterly - completely and without qualification; used informally as intensifiers; "an absolutely magnificent painting"; "a perfectly idiotic idea"; "you're perfectly right"; "utterly miserable"; "you can be dead sure of my innocence"; "was dead tired"; "dead right"

Adjective dead has 17 senses

1.  dead(a = adj.all) Array - no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life; "the nerve is dead"; "a dead pallor"; "he was marked as a dead man by the assassin"
Derived form noun deadness3

2.  dead(a = adj.all) Array - not showing characteristics of life especially the capacity to sustain life; no longer exerting force or having energy or heat; "Mars is a dead planet"; "dead soil"; "dead coals"; "the fire is dead"
Derived form noun deadness3

3.  dead(s = adj.all) all in, beat, bushed - very tired; "was all in at the end of the day"; "so beat I could flop down and go to sleep anywhere"; "bushed after all that exercise"; "I'm dead after that long trip"

4.  dead(s = adj.all) Array - unerringly accurate; "a dead shot"; "took dead aim"

5.  dead(s = adj.all) Array - physically inactive; "Crater Lake is in the crater of a dead volcano of the Cascade Range"
Derived form noun deadness3

6.  dead(s = adj.all) numb - (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive; "passersby were dead to our plea for help"; "numb to the cries for mercy"
Derived form noun deadness1

7.  dead(s = adj.all) deadened - devoid of physical sensation; numb; "his gums were dead from the novocain"; "she felt no discomfort as the dentist drilled her deadened tooth"; "a public desensitized by continuous television coverage of atrocities"
Derived form noun deadness1

8.  dead(s = adj.all) Array - lacking acoustic resonance; "dead sounds characteristic of some compact discs"; "the dead wall surfaces of a recording studio"

9.  dead(s = adj.all) idle - not yielding a return; "dead capital"; "idle funds"

10.  dead(s = adj.all) stagnant - not circulating or flowing; "dead air"; "dead water"; "stagnant water"
Derived form noun deadness3

11.  dead(s = adj.all) Array - not surviving in active use; "Latin is a dead language"
Derived form noun deadness3

12.  dead(s = adj.all) Array - lacking resilience or bounce; "a dead tennis ball"
Derived form noun deadness2

13.  dead(s = adj.all) Array - out of use or operation because of a fault or breakdown; "a dead telephone line"; "the motor is dead"
Derived form noun deadness3

14.  dead(s = adj.all) Array - no longer having force or relevance; "a dead issue"

15.  dead(s = adj.all) utter - complete; "came to a dead stop"; "utter seriousness"

16.  dead(s = adj.all) drained - drained of electric charge; discharged; "a dead battery"; "left the lights on and came back to find the battery drained"
Derived form noun deadness3

17.  dead(s = adj.all) Array - devoid of activity; "this is a dead town; nothing ever happens here"


dead, adj., adv., & n.
1 no longer alive.
2 colloq. extremely tired or unwell.
3 benumbed; affected by loss of sensation (my fingers are dead).
4 (foll. by to) unappreciative or unconscious of; insensitive to.
5 no longer effective or in use; obsolete, extinct.
6 (of a match, of coal, etc.) no longer burning; extinguished.
7 inanimate.
8 a lacking force or vigour; dull, lustreless, muffled. b (of sound) not resonant. c (of sparkling wine etc.) no longer effervescent.
9 a quiet; lacking activity (the dead season). b motionless, idle.
10 a (of a microphone, telephone, etc.) not transmitting any sound, esp. because of a fault. b (of a circuit, conductor, etc.) carrying or transmitting no current; not connected to a source of electricity (a dead battery).
11 (of the ball in a game) out of play.
12 abrupt, complete, exact, unqualified, unrelieved (come to a dead stop; a dead faint; a dead calm; in dead silence; a dead certainty).
13 without spiritual life.
1 absolutely, exactly, completely (dead on target; dead level; dead tired).
2 colloq. very, extremely (dead good; dead easy).
--n. (prec. by the)
1 (treated as pl.) those who have died.
2 a time of silence or inactivity (the dead of night).

dead-and-alive Brit. (of a place, person, activity, etc.) dull, monotonous; lacking interest. dead as the dodo see DODO. dead as a doornail see DOORNAIL. dead bat Cricket a bat held loosely so that it imparts no motion to the ball when struck. dead beat
1 colloq. exhausted.
2 Physics (of an instrument) without recoil.
dead-beat n.
1 colloq. a penniless person.
2 US sl. a person constantly in debt.
dead centre
1 the exact centre.
2 the position of a crank etc. in line with the connecting-rod and not exerting torque. dead cert see CERT. dead duck sl. an unsuccessful or useless person or thing.
dead end
1 a closed end of a road, passage, etc.
2 (often (with hyphen) attrib.) a situation offering no prospects of progress or advancement. dead-eye Naut. a round flat three-holed block for extending shrouds. dead from the neck up colloq. stupid. dead hand an oppressive persisting influence, esp. posthumous control.
dead heat
1 a race in which two or more competitors finish exactly level.
2 the result of such a race. dead-heat v.intr. run a dead heat. dead language a language no longer commonly spoken, e.g. Latin. dead letter a law or practice no longer observed or recognized. dead lift the exertion of one's utmost strength to lift something.
dead loss
1 colloq. a useless person or thing.
2 a complete loss.
dead man's fingers
1 a kind of orchis, Orchis mascula.
2 any soft coral of the genus Alcyonium, with spongy lobes.
3 the finger-like divisions of a lobster's or crab's gills. dead man's handle (or pedal etc.) a controlling-device on an electric train, allowing power to be connected only as long as the operator presses on it. dead march a funeral march. dead men colloq. bottles after the contents have been drunk. dead-nettle any plant of the genus Lamium, having nettle-like leaves but without stinging hairs. dead-on exactly right. dead reckoning Naut. calculation of a ship's position from the log, compass, etc., when observations are impossible. dead ringer see RINGER. dead shot one who is extremely accurate. dead time Physics the period after the recording of a pulse etc. when the detector is unable to record another. dead to the world colloq. fast asleep; unconscious.
dead weight (or dead-weight)
1 a an inert mass. b a heavy weight or burden.
2 a debt not covered by assets.
3 the total weight carried on a ship. dead wood colloq. one or more useless people or things. make a dead set at see SET(2). wouldn't be seen dead in (or with etc.) colloq. shall have nothing to do with; shall refuse to wear etc.

deadness n.

OE dead f. Gmc, rel. to DIE(1)



N  completeness, completion, integration, allness, entirety, perfection, solidity, solidarity, unity, all, ne plus ultra, ideal, limit, complement, supplement, make-weight, filling, up, impletion, saturation, saturity, high water, high tide, flood tide, spring tide, fill, load, bumper, bellyful, brimmer, sufficiency, complete, entire, whole, perfect, full, good, absolute, thorough, plenary, solid, undivided, with all its parts, all- sided, exhaustive, radical, sweeping, thorough-going, dead, regular, consummate, unmitigated, sheer, unqualified, unconditional, free, abundant, brimming, brimful, topful, topfull, chock full, choke full, as full as an egg is of meat, as full as a vetch, saturated, crammed, replete, fraught, laden, full-laden, full-fraught, full-charged, heavy laden, completing, supplemental, supplementary, ascititious, completely, altogether, outright, wholly, totally, in toto, quite, all out, over head and ears, effectually, for good and all, nicely, fully, through thick and thin, head and shoulders, neck and heel, neck and crop, in all respects, in every respect, at all points, out and out, to all intents and purposes, toto coelo, utterly, clean, clean as a whistle, to the full, to the utmost, to the backbone, hollow, stark, heart and soul, root and branch, down to the ground, to the top of one's bent, as far as possible, a outrance, throughout, from first to last, from beginning to end, from end to end, from one end to the other, from Dan to Beersheba, from head to foot, from top to toe, from top to bottom, de fond en comble, a fond, a capite ad calcem, ab ovo usque ad mala, fore and aft, every, whit, every inch, cap-a-pie, to the end of the chapter, up to the brim, up to the ears, up to the eyes, as a as can be, on all accounts, sous tous les rapports, with a vengeance, with a witness, falsus in uno falsus in omnibus, false in one thing, false in everything, omnem movere lapidem, una scopa nuova spazza bene.

Physical Inertness

N  physical inertness, inertness, dullness, inertia, vis inertiae, inertion, inactivity, torpor, languor, quiescence, latency, inaction, passivity, mental inertness, sloth, inexcitability, irresolution, obstinacy, permanence, rare gas, paraffin, noble metal, unreactivity, inert, inactive, passive, torpid, sluggish, dull, heavy, flat, slack, tame, slow, blunt, unreactive, lifeless, dead, uninfluential, latent, dormant, smoldering, unexerted, inactively, in suspense, in abeyance.


N  death, decease, demise, dissolution, departure, obit, release, rest, quietus, fall, loss, bereavement, mortality, morbidity, end of life &c, cessation of life &c, loss of life, extinction of life, ebb of life, death warrant, death watch, death rattle, death bed, stroke of death, agonies of death, shades of death, valley of death, jaws of death, hand of death, last breath, last gasp, last agonies, dying day, dying breath, dying agonies, chant du cygne, rigor mortis, Stygian shore, King of terrors, King Death, Death, doom, Hell's grim Tyrant, euthanasia, break up of the system, natural death, natural decay, sudden death, violent death, untimely end, watery grave, debt of nature, suffocation, asphyxia, fatal disease, death blow, necrology, bills of mortality, obituary, death song, dead, lifeless, deceased, demised, departed, defunct, extinct, late, gone, no more, exanimate, inanimate, out of the world, taken off, released, departed this life, dead and gone, dead as a doornail, dead as a doorpost, dead as a mutton, dead as a herring, dead as nits, launched into eternity, gone to one's eternal reward, gone to meet one's maker, pushing up daisies, gathered to one's fathers, numbered with the dead, dying, moribund, morient, hippocratic, in articulo, in extremis, in the jaws of death, in the agony of death, going off, aux abois, one one's last legs, on one's death bed, at the point of death, at death's door, at the last gasp, near one's end, given over, booked, with one foot in the grave, tottering on the brink of the grave, stillborn, mortuary, deadly, post obit, post mortem, life ebbs, life fails, life hangs by a thread, one's days are numbered, one's hour is come, one's race is run, one's doom is sealed, Death knocks at the door, Death stares one in the face, the breath is out of the body, the grave closes over one, sic itur ad astra, de mortuis nil nisi bonum, dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, honesta mors turpi vita potior, in adamantine chains shall death be bound, mors ultima linea rerum est, ominia mors aequat, Spake the grisly Terror, the lone couch of this everlasting sleep, nothing is certain but death and taxes.


N  killing, homicide, manslaughter, murder, assassination, trucidation, iccusion, effusion of blood, blood, blood shed, gore, slaughter, carnage, butchery, battue, massacre, fusillade, noyade, thuggery, Thuggism, deathblow, finishing stroke, coup de grace, quietus, execution, judicial murder, martyrdom, butcher, slayer, murderer, Cain, assassin, terrorist, cutthroat, garroter, bravo, Thug, Moloch, matador, sabreur, guet-a-pens, gallows, executioner, man-eater, apache, hatchet man, highbinder, regicide, parricide, matricide, fratricide, infanticide, feticide, foeticide, uxoricide, vaticide, suicide, felo de se, hara-kiri, suttee, Juggernath, immolation, auto da fe, holocaust, suffocation, strangulation, garrote, hanging, lapidation, deadly weapon, Aceldama, slaughtering, phthisozoics, sport, sporting, the chase, venery, hunting, coursing, shooting, fishing, pig- sticking, sportsman, huntsman, fisherman, hunter, Nimrod, slaughterhouse, meat packing plant, shambles, abattoir, fatal accident, violent death, casualty, killing, murderous, slaughterous, sanguinary, sanguinolent, blood stained, blood thirsty, homicidal, red handed, bloody, bloody minded, ensanguined, gory, thuggish, mortal, fatal, lethal, dead, deadly, mortiferous, lethiferous, unhealthy internecine, suicidal, sporting, piscatorial, piscatory, in at the death, assassination has never changed the history of the.

Physical Insensibility

N  insensibility, physical insensibility, obtuseness, palsy, paralysis, paraesthesia, anaesthesia, sleep, hemiplegia, motor paralysis, vegetable state, coma, anaesthetic agent, opium, ether, chloroform, chloral, nitrous oxide, laughing gas, exhilarating gas, protoxide of nitrogen, refrigeration, insensible, unfeeling, senseless, impercipient, callous, thick- skinned, pachydermatous, hard, hardened, case hardened, proof, obtuse, dull, anaesthetic, comatose, paralytic, palsied, numb, dead.


N  nonresonance, thud, thump, dead sound, nonresonance, muffled drums, cracked bell, damper, silencer, nonresonant, dead, dampened, muffled.


N  achromatism, decoloration, discoloration, pallor, pallidness, pallidity, paleness, etiolation, neutral tint, monochrome, black and white, uncolored &c (color), colorless, achromatic, aplanatic, etiolate, etiolated, hueless, pale, pallid, palefaced, tallow-faced, faint, dull, cold, muddy, leaden, dun, wan, sallow, dead, dingy, ashy, ashen, ghastly, cadaverous, glassy, lackluster, discolored, light-colored, fair, blond, white, pale as death, pale as ashes, pale as a witch, pale as a ghost, pale as a corpse, white as a corpse.


brain dead, dead ahead, dead air, dead axle, dead body, dead center, dead centre, dead drop, dead duck, dead end, dead giveaway, dead hand, dead hand of the past, dead heat, dead language, dead letter, dead load, dead mail, dead march, dead metaphor, dead nettle, dead of night, dead on target, dead pan, dead person, dead reckoning, dead ringer, dead room, dead sea, dead sea scrolls, dead set, dead shot, dead soul, dead stop, dead tired, dead to, dead to the world, dead weight, drop dead, knock dead, living dead, office of the dead, stop dead, white dead nettle