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Found 1 definition: digital.

digital top

Pos: Adjective, Noun

Adjective digital has 3 senses

1.  digital(a = adj.pert) Array - displaying numbers rather than scale positions; "digital clock"; "digital readout"

2.  digital(a = adj.pert) Array - relating to or performed with the fingers; "digital examination"
Derived form noun

3.  digital(a = adj.all) Array - of a circuit or device that represents magnitudes in digits; "digital computer"


digital, adj.
1 of or using a digit or digits.
2 (of a clock, watch, etc.) that gives a reading by means of displayed digits instead of hands.
3 (of a computer) operating on data represented as a series of usu. binary digits or in similar discrete form.
4 a (of a recording) with sound-information represented in digits for more reliable transmission. b (of a recording medium) using this process.

digital audio tape magnetic tape on which sound is recorded digitally. digital to analog converter Computing a device for converting digital values to analog form.

digitalize v.tr. (also -ise). digitally adv.

L digitalis (as DIGIT)


digital arteries, digital audiotape, digital camera, digital clock, digital communication, digital communications technology, digital computer, digital display, digital photography, digital plethysmograph, digital scanner, digital subscriber line, digital vein, digital voltmeter, digital watch, musical instrument digital interface, personal digital assistant