edible-podded pea(n = noun.plant) edible-pod pea, pisum sativum macrocarpon - a variety of pea plant producing peas having soft thick edible pods lacking the fibrous inner lining of the common pea; Array
is a kind of pea, pea plant
has particulars: snow pea, sugar pea, snap pea, sugar snap pea
angola pea, asparagus pea, australian pea, austrian winter pea, beach pea, bitter pea, black pea, black-eyed pea, blue pea, broad-leaved everlasting pea, bush pea, butterfly pea, cajan pea, caley pea, calnada pea, catjang pea, chaparral pea, chinese pea tree, common flat pea, common pea, coral pea, darling pea, desert pea, earth-nut pea, earthnut pea, edible-pod pea, egyptian pea, everlasting pea, field pea, flame pea, flat pea, garden pea, garden pea plant, glory pea, golden pea, goober pea, grass pea, green pea, green pea soup, hairy darling pea, heart pea, heath pea, hoary pea, indian pea, marrowfat pea, marsh pea, meadow pea, narrow-leaved everlasting pea, partridge pea, pea, pea bean, pea brained, pea coat, pea crab, pea family, pea flour, pea green, pea jacket, pea plant, pea pod, pea shooter, pea soup, pea tree, pea weevil, perennial pea, pigeon pea, poison pea, purple pea, rough pea, sea pea, sensitive pea, shamrock pea, siberian pea tree, singletary pea, smooth darling pea, snap pea, snow pea, sturt pea, sturt's desert pea, sugar pea, sugar snap pea, sweet pea, tangier pea, western australia coral pea, wild pea, wild sweet pea, winged pea, yellow pea