first half(n = noun.time) Array - the first of two halves of play; Array
is a kind of half
at first, at first blush, at first glance, at first sight, better half, double first, first, first aid, first amendment, first and foremost, first and last, first appearance, first balcony, first baron beveridge, first baron kelvin, first baron lytton, first baron macaulay, first baron marks of broughton, first baron passfield, first baron rutherford, first baron rutherford of nelson, first baron tennyson, first base, first baseman, first battle of ypres, first blush, first cause, first class, first council of constantinople, first council of lyons, first council of nicaea, first cousin, first cranial nerve, first crusade, first degree, first derivative, first draft, first duke of marlborough, first duke of wellington, first earl kitchener of khartoum, first earl of beaconsfield, first earl of chatham, first earl of orford, first earl wavell, first epistle of john, first epistle of paul the apostle to the corinthia, first epistle of paul the apostle to the thessalon, first epistle of paul the apostle to timothy, first epistle of peter, first epistle to the corinthians, first epistle to the thessalonians, first epistle to timothy, first estate, first floor, first gear, first grade, first harmonic, first impression, first in first out, first lady, first language, first lateran council, first law of motion, first law of thermodynamics, first lieutenant, first light, first lord of the treasury, first marquess cornwallis, first mate, first moment, first mortgage, first move, first name, first of all, first of may, first of october antifascist resistance group, first off, first offender, first period, first person, first place, first principle, first prize, first quarter, first rate, first reading, first rudiment, first sacker, first sergeant, first state, first step, first stomach, first strike, first string, first team, first thing, first trimester, first vatican council, first viscount haldane of cloan, first viscount nuffield, first water, first world war, for the first time, go off half cocked, half, half a dozen, half assed, half baked, half binding, half blood, half boot, half breed, half brother, half cocked, half cross stitch, half crown, half dollar, half door, half dozen, half eagle, half gainer, half hatchet, half hitch, half life, half mask, half mile, half moon, half nelson, half note, half page, half pint, half pound, half rest, half seas over, half sister, half snipe, half sole, half step, half time, half title, half tone, half track, half truth, half volley, hell's half acre, in the first place, kepler's first law, last half, last in first out, newton's first law, newton's first law of motion, right of first publication, second half, sergeant first class, six of one and half a dozen of, time and a half, when first seen