fruit machine(n = noun.artifact) Array - a coin-operated gambling machine that produces random combinations of symbols (usually pictures of different fruits) on rotating dials; certain combinations win money for the player; Array
is a kind of one-armed bandit, slot
accessory fruit, adding machine, addressing machine, aggregate fruit, answering machine, automated teller machine, automatic teller machine, banana passion fruit, bathing machine, bear fruit, breathing machine, browning machine gun, burring machine, by machine, calculating machine, candied fruit, cash machine, citrous fruit, citrus fruit, coin machine, colliding-beam machine, computing machine, crystallized fruit, dialysis machine, diathermy machine, dishwashing machine, dried fruit, edible fruit, electrostatic machine, facsimile machine, false fruit, farm machine, forbidden fruit, franking machine, french dressing for fruit salad, fruit, fruit bar, fruit bat, fruit cocktail, fruit compote, fruit crush, fruit custard, fruit drink, fruit fly, fruit grower, fruit juice, fruit of the poisonous tree, fruit punch, fruit salad, fruit sugar, fruit tree, genipap fruit, gliding machine, gramme machine, grape fruit, ground-effect machine, heart-lung machine, ice machine, infernal machine, key fruit, kiwi fruit, knitting machine, light machine gun, linotype machine, lithograph machine, machine, machine bolt, machine code, machine gun, machine gunner, machine language, machine made, machine operation, machine pistol, machine politician, machine readable, machine readable dictionary, machine rifle, machine screw, machine shop, machine stitch, machine tool, machine translation, machine wash, magnetoelectric machine, mediterranean fruit fly, microwave diathermy machine, military machine, milking machine, milling machine, mimeograph machine, mincing machine, multiple fruit, pari-mutuel machine, passion fruit, paving machine, perpetual motion machine, photostat machine, pinball machine, planing machine, political machine, printing machine, recording machine, riveting machine, sawing machine, sewing machine, shaping machine, shortwave diathermy machine, simple fruit, simple machine, slot machine, spinning machine, stamping machine, stapling machine, star fruit, stone fruit, tape machine, teletype machine, telex machine, textile machine, threshing machine, time machine, tube-nosed fruit bat, turing machine, typesetting machine, ugli fruit, vending machine, vickers-maxim automatic machine gun, von neumann machine, voting machine, war machine, washing machine, weighing machine, wimshurst machine, x-ray machine, xerox machine