grain moth(n = noun.animal) Array - moth whose larvae feed on grain; Array
is a kind of gelechiid, gelechiid moth
has particulars: angoumois grain moth, angoumois moth, sitotroga cerealella
against the grain, almond moth, angoumois grain moth, angoumois moth, antler moth, arctiid moth, atlas moth, bee moth, bombycid moth, brown-tail moth, cacao moth, carpet moth, casemaking clothes moth, cecropia moth, cinnabar moth, clothes moth, codlin moth, codling moth, corn borer moth, cynthia moth, death's-head moth, domestic silkworm moth, emperor moth, european corn borer moth, feed grain, fig moth, food grain, gelechiid moth, geometrid moth, giant silkworm moth, gipsy moth, gold-tail moth, gracilariid moth, grain, grain alcohol, grain field, grain merchant, grain sorghum, gypsy moth, hawk moth, heliothis moth, horse grain, hummingbird moth, imperial moth, io moth, isabella moth, lappet moth, lasiocampid moth, luna moth, mediterranean flour moth, metric grain, moth, moth bean, moth eaten, moth miller, moth mullein, moth orchid, moth plant, noctuid moth, owlet moth, pernyi moth, polyphemus moth, potato moth, potato tuber moth, pyralid moth, raisin moth, saturniid moth, seed grain, silkworm moth, sphinx moth, take with a grain of salt, tapestry moth, tent-caterpillar moth, tiger moth, tineid moth, tineoid moth, tobacco moth, tortricid moth, tussock moth, v moth, wax moth, webbing clothes moth, webbing moth, webworm moth, wood grain, woolly bear moth