gray whale(n = noun.animal) devilfish, eschrichtius gibbosus, eschrichtius robustus, grey whale - medium-sized greyish-black whale of the northern Pacific; Array
is a kind of baleen whale, whalebone whale
is a member of eschrichtius, genus eschrichtius
a rather large and swift baleen whale of the northern Pacific (
african gray, american gray birch, asa gray, ash gray, baleen whale, beaked whale, black whale, blue whale, bottle-nosed whale, bottlenose whale, bowhead whale, charcoal gray, dapple gray, davy's gray, dwarf gray willow, dwarf sperm whale, eastern gray squirrel, fin whale, finback whale, gray, gray alder, gray area, gray birch, gray catbird, gray eminence, gray flounder, gray fox, gray goldenrod, gray hen, gray jay, gray kingbird, gray lemming, gray market, gray matter, gray mullet, gray partridge, gray polypody, gray poplar, gray sage, gray sea eagle, gray skate, gray snapper, gray sole, gray substance, gray willow, gray wolf, great gray owl, greenland whale, grey whale, humpback whale, killer whale, minke whale, oxford gray, payne's gray, pearl gray, piked whale, pilot whale, pygmy sperm whale, right whale, robert gray, sei whale, silver gray, sperm whale, steel gray, tattletale gray, thomas gray, toothed whale, western gray squirrel, whale, whale louse, whale oil, whale shark, whale sucker, whalebone whale, white whale