hard sauce(n = noun.food) Array - butter and sugar creamed together with brandy or other flavoring and served with rich puddings; Array
is a kind of sauce
aioli sauce, allemande sauce, anchovy sauce, apple sauce, apricot sauce, atelets sauce, barbecue sauce, bechamel sauce, bolognese pasta sauce, bourguignon sauce, bread sauce, brown onion sauce, brown sauce, burgundy sauce, caper sauce, cheese sauce, chili sauce, chinese brown sauce, chocolate sauce, cocktail sauce, cranberry sauce, cream sauce, curry sauce, die hard, duck sauce, fudge sauce, garlic sauce, hard, hard and fast, hard beech, hard candy, hard cash, hard cheese, hard cider, hard clam, hard coal, hard copy, hard core, hard currency, hard disc, hard disk, hard drink, hard drive, hard drug, hard earned, hard feelings, hard fern, hard fought, hard goods, hard grass, hard hat, hard job, hard knocks, hard labor, hard lead, hard life, hard line, hard liquor, hard news, hard palate, hard pressed, hard put, hard right, hard rock, hard roe, hard roll, hard rubber, hard rush, hard sell, hard shoulder, hard solder, hard steel, hard stuff, hard surface, hard tick, hard time, hard times, hard to please, hard up, hard water, hard wheat, hard wired, hard worker, hoisin sauce, hollandaise sauce, horseradish sauce, hot sauce, hot-fudge sauce, hungarian sauce, hunter's sauce, lyonnaise sauce, mint sauce, mornay sauce, mushroom sauce, mushroom wine sauce, mustard sauce, newburg sauce, paprika sauce, pasta sauce, peach sauce, pepper sauce, plum sauce, remoulade sauce, sauce, sauce albert, sauce aux hatelets, sauce chausseur, sauce espagnole, sauce espanole, sauce louis, sauce velout'82, sauce verte, sauce vinaigrette, seafood sauce, shrimp sauce, soy sauce, spaghetti sauce, steak sauce, strike hard, tabasco sauce, taco sauce, tartar sauce, tartare sauce, tomato sauce, white onion sauce, white sauce, wine sauce, worcester sauce, worcestershire sauce