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Found 1 definition: large tooth aspen.

large tooth aspen top


Noun large tooth aspen has 1 senses

   large tooth aspen(n = noun.plant) big-toothed aspen, bigtooth aspen, bigtoothed aspen, canadian aspen, large-toothed aspen, populus grandidentata - aspen with a narrow crown; eastern North America; Array
is a kind of aspen


abscessed tooth, adult tooth, american aspen, american quaking aspen, aspen, aspen poplar, at large, baby tooth, back tooth, big-toothed aspen, bigtooth aspen, bigtoothed aspen, bleeding tooth, bulk large, by and large, canadian aspen, canine tooth, carnassial tooth, colt's tooth, deciduous tooth, european quaking aspen, extra large, eye tooth, fore tooth, front tooth, impacted tooth, in large quantities, large, large calorie, large cap, large civet, large crabgrass, large cranberry, large indefinite amount, large indefinite quantity, large integer, large intestine, large magellanic cloud, large number, large order, large periwinkle, large person, large poodle, large scale, large white, large white petunia, large yellow lady's slipper, large-toothed aspen, law of large numbers, lion's tooth, loom large, malposed tooth, milk tooth, permanent tooth, primary tooth, quaking aspen, sweet tooth, too large, tooth, tooth and nail, tooth decay, tooth doctor, tooth enamel, tooth fairy, tooth fungus, tooth powder, tooth root, tooth shell, tooth socket, white aspen, wisdom tooth, writ large