1. loosestrife(n = noun.plant) Array - any of numerous herbs and subshrubs of the genus Lythrum; Array
is a kind of subshrub, suffrutex
is a member of genus lythrum, lythrum
has particulars: lythrum salicaria, purple loosestrife, spiked loosestrife, grass poly, hyssop loosestrife, lythrum hyssopifolia
2. loosestrife(n = noun.plant) Array - any of various herbs and subshrubs of the genus Lysimachia; Array
is a kind of herb, herbaceous plant
is a member of genus lysimachia, lysimachia
has particulars: gooseneck loosestrife, lysimachia clethroides duby, lysimachia nemorum, yellow pimpernel, fringed loosestrife, lysimachia ciliatum, creeping charlie, creeping jenny, lysimachia nummularia, moneywort, garden loosestrife, lysimachia vulgaris, yellow loosestrife, lysimachia terrestris, swamp candles, lysimachia quadrifolia, whorled loosestrife
The name of several species of plants of the genus
loosestrife, n.
1 any marsh plant of the genus Lysimachia, esp. the golden or yellow loosestrife, L. vulgaris.
2 any plant of the genus Lythrum, esp. the purple loosestrife L. salicaria, with racemes of star-shaped purple flowers.
LOOSE + STRIFE, taking the Gk name lusimakhion (f. Lusimakhos, its discoverer) as if directly f. luo undo + makhe battle
fringed loosestrife, garden loosestrife, gooseneck loosestrife, hyssop loosestrife, loosestrife family, purple loosestrife, spiked loosestrife, whorled loosestrife, yellow loosestrife